A Buying Guide On The Used Electric Wheelchair
Buying a used electric wheelchair can be a daunting process, but it needn't be so if you have done your homework, and know what your needs are.
If you are interested in buying a used electric wheelchair,
you should take many of the same steps as if you were buying a new chair. Buying the right chair for you and your specific needs is important, and obviously cost is a prime factor that will be involved in your decision. Whether buying a new or used electric wheelchair, there are certain factors that need to be considered in order to pick one that will work best for you. Because motorized wheelchairs are designed for many different types of use, some are perfect for constant outdoor use but much too big to use inside, like a high powered wheelchair. Others are very easy to transport and can be taken apart quickly to fit into your car trunk easily, but the weight limit on these is relatively low. Asking yourself some questions about the type of chair to purchase will help you to narrow down your selection to a reasonable number. One of the most important questions is, will it be used inside, outside, or both? Other important questions: How often will it need to be used outside? What is the weather like in the areas where it will be used outdoors? If outdoor use is going to be typical, will it be on level ground, or will it be climbing hills and dealing with large curbs? Will it need to work well on rocky terrain, grass, or paved areas? Also important is how narrow does it need to be? What is the narrowest place you will need it to fit through? Especially if you’ll be using it inside your house, you want to make sure that you will be able to get from room to room easily. Some wheelchairs will work, but others might be much too wide to fit, and doorways might not be able to be modified enough to compensate. Will you need to take the chair with you to go places? If you want to use it to go shopping or on vacation, it will need to be a type that will be able to fit in the vehicle you will be using to transport it. Almost all wheelchairs can fit into a van, but there are not that many that can be taken apart easily to fit into the trunk of a car. Some people make the task of transporting the electric wheelchair a little easier by purchasing and using a wheelchair lift. Weight limits are another important consideration when deciding on which type of used electric wheelchair to purchase. Each chair has a recommended weight limit for optimal use, and you’d be wise to stay well within those limits to get the most out of your motorized chair. Once you’ve asked and answered the questions above, you should have narrowed your potential list of used electric wheelchair models. You can now start your search for an adequate chair that will offer you the long term service that you need, but with the discounted purchase price that comes with buying a previously owned unit.