A Fertility Center Guide For Everyone
Being unable to conceive is a terrible experience to go through. It is possible to get some assistance with starting your family at a fertility center. They can help where every other solution has failed.
Doctors that work at reproduction clinics are called endocrinologists. These medical doctors specialize in taking care of conditions that are caused by hormones which are secreted through the endocrine glands such as thyroid,
adrenal and pituitary glands. These glands directly affect reproductive organs. As well as treating couples that are having problems conceiving, the specialists at the fertility center also deal with gynecological problems such as hormone imbalances and endometriosis.
You can get treatment for hot flashes. The specialists at the center deal with all problems that are dealing with the reproductive system. This includes perimenopause, menopause and hormone imbalances. The doctor will either treat the condition with medication or lifestyle changes or both. This will either minimize or take away the patient's hot flashes altogether.
Most reproductive centers do not accept sperm donations but the majority of them will work with patients to find a reputable place that does accept sperm donations. Men are treated at fertility clinics every day to deal with conditions including sexual dysfunction and hormone imbalances. These conditions are sperm related and can greatly interfere with reproductive challenges.
Contrary to popular belief, most patients at a fertility center are in fact women but there are also men that are treated there as well. The reason for this is because conception issues may be caused by a condition that the male in the relationship has instead of the female. In fact, 40% of all problems with conception are linked to men. Sometimes the problem has to do with a condition that the women in their relationship has. While this is rare, there are times when both the male and the female have conditions that interfere with the couple having a child.
This problem is more common than most people think. One out of every six couples experience some sort of trouble conceiving at some point in their relationship. The National Center for Health Statistics states that around 4.5 million couples have to deal with infertility each year. However, less than half of the 4.5 million couples will actually seek medical help.
It is really recommended that after about 12 months of unprotected sex without resulting in a pregnancy is generally long enough to try to conceive without medical assistance. However, if you and your significant other are over the age of 35, you should not wait more than six months to seek help. If one of you in the relationship suffers from conditions such as irregular menstrual cycles, low sperm count or you have a history of miscarriages, it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as you can at a fertility center. The reason for this is because the earlier you seek assistance, the better chances you have of conceiving.
If you find that you are thinking about having children in the future and you want to make sure that you and your partner won't have any problems, you can seek out the services of a fertility center.