A Guide to Dental Implants
Dental implants are the latest devices that can be used to replace missing teeth. They are much more durable and more comfortable than dentures and bridges.
Over the years,
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there have been great improvements in the field of dentistry. However, there are still millions of people who suffer from tooth loss more often than not. Loss of teeth can be cause by several things such as an injury where your teeth get knocked out, gum disease or gingivitis and tooth decay. For a long time, the only option that people had for replacing their teeth was dentures or bridges. With the invention of dental implants, cosmetic surgery has become a popular way for people to deal with losing their teeth.
Dental implants are designed to look like your natural teeth and are built with a strong foundation. These devices are made from titanium. There are many benefits to having these devices in your teeth. These benefits include improving your appearance by using these titanium devices that look as well as providing you with a set of natural looking teeth. These teeth inserts fuse together with the bone so they can become permanent. It can also help make your speech better. If you require dentures and they are made incorrectly, it can cause you to mumble your words. But with these inserts, you can speak clearly.
If you have had dentures, which are not permanent, then you know how uncomfortable they can be. Dental implants are much more comfortable to wear. Chewing with dentures can be very uncomfortable and hard to do. Dental implants are used just like your normal teeth so you can eat all of the foods you love to eat without any problems or discomforts.
Many people wonder if these titanium devices are really successful. The success rate may be slightly different depending on the location within the jaw that devices are placed. But in general, these devices have a 98% success rate. With the proper maintenance, these devices can last an entire lifetime.
It is important to understand that not everyone is a candidate for these titanium devices. In order to have this type of surgery done, you need to be in good health, have healthy gums and you should have a sufficient amount of bone so the device can hold. People who smoke heavily, have conditions such as heart disease or diabetes and people who have been through radiation therapy are not good candidates for these types of oral inserts.
If you are considering these types of oral devices, you should understand that this procedure is not covered under any type of dental insurance. However, if you have medical insurance, it may be possible that it is covered under your medical plan. This will depend on the type of plan you have as well as what caused your tooth loss. You should call your insurance provider and ask if your particular situation is covered under your current plan.
Many people are under the assumption that getting dental implants is painful. Many people who have gone through the procedure state that they experienced little to no discomfort. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used.