This article gives a clear list of anxiety symptoms. Also explaining how being aware of these symptoms can be the first step to controlling Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
Having a clear list of anxiety symptoms in ones mind is truly the first step to taking control of anxiety and panic attacks. Being able to recognize these symptoms as soon as they appear will help to eliminate the feelings of confusion brought on by these sudden physical changes. Knowing what to expect,

and understanding why these reactions happen, can allow you to look at an anxiety attack in a new way. A way in which you have more control.
First, it is important to think about the fact that during an anxiety or panic attack, you are not actually in physical danger. Even though your body is reacting as though it is. Reassuring oneself that these are misplaced physical reactions can help immensely. This is the key to many techniques offered to eliminate these attacks. Controlling ones own thoughts. A person having anxiety attacks holds the key to there own recovery.
Being able to set aside fear of these physical reactions allows a person to move on to the next step: Understanding what puts them in these severe states of anxiety in the first place. If you are able to identify the situations, triggers or thoughts that create this anxiety, then you can learn to control them.
What triggers an anxiety or panic attack in one person may not in another. One person may have a gradual building of severe anxiety that results in an attack. Another might have sudden attacks that are triggered by memories of a traumatic event or childhood experience. Many people live in fear of their anxiety creating even more.
The list of anxiety symptoms below includes the most common reactions to an anxiety or panic attack. You may have your own to add to the list or you may only experience a few. You do not need to experience all of them to be suffering with anxiety problems.
A List of Anxiety Symptoms
- Intensely Nervous or Stressed
- Sweating or Shaking
- Racing Heartbeat
- Feeling as Though You Can't Get Enough Air/ Difficulty Breathing
- Terror that Feels Almost Paralyzing
- Feelings of Intense Dread
- Dizziness or Lightheaded
- Nausea
- Choking or Chest Pains
- Different Levels of Fear or Anxiousness/ Fear that You May Go Crazy or are About to Die
- Hot Flashes or Sudden Chills
- Tingling in Fingers or Toes
Realize that all of these scary symptoms are considered completely normal reactions to severe anxiety and stress. We all need these feelings as warnings in extremely stressful situations. It is our natural protection. Your body truly thinks it is reacting appropriately. Looking at these physical symptoms as separate from your thoughts can be very helpful. Learning to reassure your body, with a clear mind, that these reactions are unneeded is a big step to controlling them.