A Tummy Tuck Can Reconstruct The Stomach
For many patients, a tummy tuck seems like the perfect cosmetic solution to improving the appearance of a sagging belly. However, this is a major surgical procedure that requires a lot of skill and technique to create the desired result. Patients considering this procedure should have a good idea of the steps involved, the recovery process, and a realistic idea of their results.
A tummy tuck is also known as an abdominoplasty. It requires great skill because it is a major cosmetic surgery that reconstructs the abdomen. There are many steps to an abdominoplasty that involves skin,

muscles, and fat. The surgeon must first remove the excess fat via liposuction techniques, and then they tighten the muscles and remove the excess skin to reconstruct the abdomen. As a result of the stomach reconstruction, the belly button must be repositioned to create a more natural-looking result. This takes advanced skill to both preserve the belly button, and to reconstruct the stomach with minimal scarring.
Many times, patients will see this procedure as a miracle cure; however, good results are based on efforts from both the surgeon and the patient. Doing some research on the surgeon's previous work can help patients' get an understanding of what to expect from their own results. Additionally, experienced surgeons will have a portfolio of before and after pictures of their clients; this is a simple tool that can highlight some of the plastic surgeon's strengths and skill. It also takes some of the guesswork and high expectations out of the results.
There are two different variations of the abdominoplasty. A mini tummy tuck is ideal for patients within 10 percent of their ideal weight because it removes less fat and serves to re-sculpt select areas of the abdomen. This procedure is less invasive than a complete tummy tuck, and uses a smaller incision to remove fat around the pubic area. Coincidentally, it is an outpatient procedure and recovery times are much less; patients can resume normal activities in about two weeks. A traditional tummy tuck is more invasive, and seeks to completely reconstruct the stomach. Although it is more extensive, it is also ideal for healthy patients who have tried reasonable amounts of diet and exercise to reshape their stomach. Recovery from a complete abdominoplasty is extensive, and patients can expect at least one overnight hospital stay after surgery.
As with any cosmetic procedure, a tummy tuck is not a solution to weight loss. Most surgeons will strongly recommend that their patients begin adhering to a diet and exercise regime before surgery to ensure longer-lasting results. Consider the risks involved and the advantages of having a highly skilled plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. It is beneficial to research the surgeon's previous work to have an understanding of what an abdominplasty can and cannot do for improving the appearance of the stomach.