A Tummy Tuck to Even Out a Pear Shape
When you are finally sick of trying every exercise, diet, and tool to lose excess skin and fat around your waist, there are three tummy tuck procedures that can provide the effective last resort to all of your efforts. The tummy tuck surgery can get rid of the protruding skin, the surplus weight, as well as tighten your abdominal muscles by repositioning them below the skin. This procedure's techniques end the struggle with your shape.
The tummy tuck procedure allows women and men around the world to find a way to live beyond the idea of having a permanent pear shape. There are three stages of this procedure to accommodate the different levels of severity to the loose skin that has been occupying your waistline for years. Time can increase the size of the as well as multiple pregnancies or rapid weight loss after years of stretched skin due to a struggle with obesity. But,

the stressful time that caused the expanded waistband or the pregnancy or your days of obesity are over, so there is no need to carry around a reminder. The tummy tuck procedure is as it sounds, it is a means for men and women with excess skin and attached fat around their belly button and lower abdomen to have that skin strategically cut away and the muscles tightened, from repositioning, and the belly button reposition/ refashioned if necessary. The key is in figuring out if you are a good candidate and which of the three procedures will best benefit your abdominal needs.
First of all, good candidates are considered to be men and women of good general health. They predominately are dealing with the difficulties of weight loss either after multiple pregnancies or the stubborn excess skin and fat after the dramatic loss of a significant amount of weight. They have tried every diet, exercise, tool, and routine to alter the appearance and strength of their midsection. They also understand the fundamental difference between the tummy tuck and the liposuction procedures. On one hand, they have learned that the abdominoplasty refers to the removal of excess fat that is attached to protruding fold of skin around and below the belly button area. The underlying muscles are then smoothed and tightened there for added waistline definition and tone. On the other hand, potential candidates know that liposuction is solely for the patient's benefit of removal of subcutaneous fat from beneath the skin all over the body. However, this also makes liposuction a great compliment to abdominoplasty because most patients usually have a significant amount of stubborn fat in that area that requires removal in order to optimize the results of the tummy tuck.
There are three types of tummy tuck procedures for a variety of patients who depend on its methods for an improved abdomen and waistline overall. First, the mini or endoscopic abdominoplasty focuses predominately on the small amount of fat layer over your abdominal muscles and works to tighten them. The second type of procedure is the partial method which is ideal for individuals struggling to lose the protruding skin and fat below the belly button. In this case the surgeon will make a short incision along the natural line of the pubic area to complete the procedure. Third, the extended procedure is for far more advanced patients who require the removal of stubborn excess fat and skin from above and below their belly button with the above mentioned incision drawn from hip to hip. The belly button may have to be repositioned to finish the newly taut abdomen. Yet, regardless of the type of abdominoplasty that is right for you, they are all ideal for removing the excess skin that has troubled you all while bringing forth a tighter, sexier abdomen at the end of your healing process.