Abdominoplasty for Excess Tissue
Abdominoplasty is a medical procedure to remove extra skin and fat around the stomach. It is ideal for people who have lost a lot of weight or given birth. If it seems right for you, you should consider talking to a surgeon.
It is a shame to be the bearer of bad news,

but the fact is that it is very unlikely that you will at any point in your life have washboard abs. They require an incredible amount of time, a commitment to the gym and to eating right. For most of the population, that is not possible with our responsibilities to work and our families. That is okay. It does not mean we cannot be in great shape. There is nothing about our lives that says we must look bad. In fact, even when there are blockades in our life that prevent us from looking our best there are a lot of different cosmetic procedures that can be done to help us look even better than we do simply with diet and exercise. Many choose to have procedures like liposuction to remove the excess fat that is not going away even through stringent diet and exercise. This is great but has an unpleasant side effect. As we age our bodies lose collagen and cannot always snap back and tighten up on their own. That is why there is a great procedure called a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty that can remove the extra skin and help make the body look smoother and more streamlined.
There is no denying that many of us carry the majority of our weight in our stomachs. Whether it is from years of eating poorly and not getting sufficient physical exercise or from bearing and raising several children, we often have more skin and fat in our abdomens than we would like. Unfortunately, even after the weight is gone there is still often surface fat and loose skin. There is no natural way to remove this except wait and hope that slowly the body will begin to reabsorb and firm it up. This is a long process that may or may not work.
This is where abdominoplasty comes in. It removes not only the excess skin but also the fat that is attached to it. This procedure is great for people who have lost a significant amount or weight but are unable to show it because they still have flaps of tissue hanging down around their stomachs. Often these people feel as if they no longer fit their skin and there is no non-surgical technique for remedying this problem. Abdominoplasty is the answer in that it takes away no only the skin but also the fat attached to it. By having this done a patient is able to reveal their fitter body beneath and not feel self conscious about the way they look any longer.
Abdominoplasty is not a simple outpatient procedure. It is a lot of work and a serious medical procedure. It is not to be taken lightly and has a number of potential side effects. These can be reduced through steps like quitting smoking, eating healthy and taking time off work to heal but they are still a concern. Before agreeing to have abdominoplasty talk seriously and candidly with your doctor about your overall health. Only they will be able to determine whether a patient is suitable to have the surgery.