Acne Free In 3 Days - A Full Review
There is a lot of hype about the book “Acne Free In 3 Days” all over the place and it all leaves one question to be answered: Does the book live up to the hype? For those of you after a simple answer, yes it does. For those after a more detailed response, let’s take a look. As mentioned in the book, there is a 98% success rate for people who use this treatment. And I know that to be accurate because it is based on the same principles I use and talk about, and I have a similar success rate with the people that I help myself.
There is a lot of hype about the book “Acne Free In 3 Days” all over the place and it all leaves one question to be answered: Does the book live up to the hype? For those of you after a simple answer,

yes it does. For those after a more detailed response, let’s take a look.Product: Acne Free In 3 DaysSource: http://www.acnefreein3days.comAs mentioned in the book, there is a 98% success rate for people who use this treatment. And I know that to be accurate because it is based on the same principles I use and talk about, and I have a similar success rate with the people that I help myself. I have also been contacted directly by readers, some of whom were so impressed with “Acne Free In 3 Days” that they were almost shocked that I hadn’t included it on my site.There are points in the book that I completely agree with, others that I disagreed with, and some that were incomplete or not as detailed as they should be, but the most basic principle of the treatment applies to everyone, and that is why it works. The basic principle is that the body must always be treated as a whole, and that all the parts of the body are related to each other in one way or another. And I know that this sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how often this is not considered!The actual process described in “Acne Free In 3 Days” involves a number of processes, which I cannot list without breaching intellectual property laws, but I can say that it includes a brief and drastic dietary change, required only for a matter of days, as well as some procedures you can perform yourself.The only step I skipped, and I think some or most of you will as well, is the self-performed enema. But there are alternative methods of achieving the same result as an enema without the pervasive nature that the procedure entails. You can use 4-5 glasses a day of lemon water (fresh lemon squeezed into water) or cranberry juice, or you can purchase pharmaceutical grade powders that mix with water, all of which only need to be consumed as a drink, and all of which achieve the same result as an enema, which is to clear the bowels. The dietary change is intended to allow the body repair itself. It does this by removing the unprocessed foods and toxins that remain in the bowel and interfere with the normal digestive process, causing more waste and toxins to build up in the intestines. Without the natural removal of these, the body finds other ways to repair itself and expels the toxins through other organs. In some people, it does this by creating body fat, in others it causes acne, in others it does both, and on the rare occasion it does something completely different, causing any number of other diseases. The steps in this book, and primarily the 3-day diet change, are designed to fix this issue in your body as it currently exists. You will usualy need to do the process every few months but the steps are very simple and I’m sure you will all agree that it is worth it to get rid of your acne.What the author doesn’t mention, probably because he is unaware or the book was written before this became popular, is that the reason this is so effective is because of human body’s pH balance. A healthy body will have a pH of just below 7 (neutral), indicative of the high percentage of water in it. The build up of waste and toxins (often from over-acidic foods) creates an acid-alkaline imbalance in the body and allows for an increase in bacteria and a susceptibility to infections. After a while and a few more processes, this will cause acne, which itself is a series of infections in the skin. The processes in this treatment method counteract and prevent this, despite these factors not being mentioned by the author.In terms of the book itself, I was actually surprised by some of the mistakes that were made in the writing of it. This doesn’t really affect the results but it’s something that bugs me and almost made me put the book away. I persisted and was happy by the end but, for example, in some places popular acne terms were mispelled - like Accutane, which was spelled in 2-3 different ways throughout the book but only sometimes correctly. This just looks unprofessional and it detracts from the true value of the content. It would take less than an hour to go over the text with an editor so it should have been done long ago.Another thing that I noticed almost instantly, and again almost made me stop reading, was the way that acne was portrayed. Before we even get to the steps the author, Chris Gibson, explains the principles of the book (as mentioned above) but also makes acne appear worse than it really is. I know that it is a difficult condition to live with and often affects one’s lifestyle but I disagree that it must is “one of the most devasting” problems associated with appearance. Acne only affects sufferers as much as they allow it to. I cover this in my previous article “The Psychology of Acne” but basically it is my belief that people will see you as you see yourself and if you are confident, people will see that and be drawn to it. I understand that the author has done this to ‘scare’ people into action but I think that if people really want to get rid of their acne and they have paid to do it, then they will read to the end even without the scare-tactics.In addition, some of the statistics, though still effective, are out of date and should be updated with new studies. Again, this doesn’t affect the results but it’s something that bugs me.Overall I think that if you haven’t already then you MUST give this book a read and try the acne treatment suggests. There is a money-back guarantee and unlike some companies they actually refund your money quickly, so there is no risk involved and if you don’t like the book or the treatment doesn’t work, you can easily get your money back. I know that sounds like a sales pitch but it has a high success rate anyway so chances are you won’t need the refund. Despite the issues in writing and some of the concepts, the actual product itself works and I think you will be surprised at how quickly you see results.