Acne Home Treatment -- Behind Closed Doors

May 7


N. B. Shepherd

N. B. Shepherd

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You probably know what you are supposed to do to treat acne, but once you leave the doctor's office, do you always do it? Do you follow your acne home treatment religiously? The success of your acne treatment depends on your taking responsibility and consistently following the regime. Here are some tactics that need to be followed regularly.

When it comes to treating acne,Acne Home Treatment -- Behind Closed Doors Articles what you do in the privacy of your home is as important as anything the doctor does for you. You probably know what you are supposed to do to treat the acne, but do you always do it? Do you avoid what you're supposed to avoid? Do you follow your acne home treatment religiously? The success of your acne treatment depends on your taking responsibility and consistently following the regime. Here are some tactics that need to be followed regularly. Diet. There has been no conclusive evidence to link diet with acne. However, logic suggests that you can't have healthy skin if you don't eat healthful foods. Everything you eat has an effect on your body in some way. Eating the right food gives you a headstart on your acne home treatment by keeping you healthy from the inside out. Avoid junk food. If you eat junk, your skin will look like junk. Healthy skin requires a variety of fresh foods rich in Vitamins A and E. Dark green, yellow or orange fruits and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, kale, apricot, papaya, and mango are good sources of Vitamin A. Get your Vitamin E from avocado, eggs, nuts and seeds, wheat germ, and wholegrain foods. Hands off. It's such a temptation to pick at your skin and squeeze your pimples, even though you know you shouldn't. Acne-damaged skin is already tender, inflamed, and susceptible to more damage. Squeezing pimples can force the infection deeper into your skin, spreading the damage and causing underlying problems. Do you have the habit of propping your chin on your hand or even just constantly touching your face? Those actions can deposit dirt and impurities on your skin and aggravate the acne. Your skin's resilience is already compromised, and any touch can be too much. It's difficult, but a big part of your acne home treatment is respecting the condition of your skin by keeping your hands off. Topical treatment. There are times when you do have to touch your skin, such as when you are cleansing and applying products. Just make sure you are always doing it the right way. Knowing that acne outbreaks are caused by pores clogged with oil and dead skin cells, you may assume that it's a good idea to scrub all that out. Don't! Remember that your skin is already vulnerable. Scrubbing will aggravate it, breaking down whatever defenses are still working for you. Avoid harsh cleansers and grainy scrubs. Be gentle, lathering with your fingers instead of a wash cloth, rinse thoroughly, and lightly pat dry. In the beginning, choose the mildest acne treatment you can find, giving it a few weeks to begin working. If it doesn't help, then try something a little more aggressive, consulting a doctor if necessary. Whether you use an over-the-counter treatment or a prescription from a doctor, always follow the directions and use it every day. In your acne home treatment, buying all the latest products and talking about how you're going to treat the acne doesn't do a bit of good unless you follow through once you are in the privacy of your home. It's not worth your time and money to visit the doctor or buy products if you're not going to follow the routine on a regular basis. It takes time for any acne treatment to work. Be patient, make your acne home treatment a regular habit, and one day you'll step out from behind those closed doors with a fresh new face to show the world.