Acne Rosacea Treatment

Jun 30


N. B. Shepherd

N. B. Shepherd

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Rosacea is no longer considered a form of acne, although it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other. It causes redness and sometimes pimples similar to acne, but rosacea pimples are usually smaller. The condition is characterized by tiny visible blood vessels in the skin. Left untreated, rosacea can get worse, affecting the eyes or causing the skin on the nose to become thickened and lumpy. It is important to get a diagnosis right away, so rosacea treatment can halt the progress of the condition.

Some acne treatments can help rosacea,Acne Rosacea Treatment Articles but since they have different causes, other treatments have no effect and can even make the condition worse. While acne is caused by bacteria feeding on excess oiliness and dead skin cells, that is not the case with rosacea. In fact, it's not known exactly what does cause rosacea, although it is apparent that some stimulus causes blood vessels in the face to dilate and create a red flush. There is no cure for rosacea, but treatment can control it. It is much easier to treat in the early stages. Some cases of rosacea seem to be triggered by things such as spicy food, hot food and drink, alcohol, and stress. The first line of defense is to avoid the triggers as much as possible. It is common for rosacea suffers to be deficient in Vitamin B, so a supplement may help. Vitamin C may also be useful to strengthen blood vessels and connective tissues in the face. Vulnerable skin and blood vessels can be protected by a careful skin-care routine. Mild cleansers and careful handling will help avoid damage of the skin and underlying tissues. Non-irritating products and a good sunscreen should always be used. The pimples and redness that often arise with rosacea may be treated with oral or topical antibiotics. A dermatologist can prescribe a course of treatment to bring the condition under control and to keep it from flaring long-term. Intense pulsed light or laser treatments are commonly used to treat rosacea. Light treatments destroy bacteria on the skin and can affect substructures of the skin to improve appearance. If visible blood vessels are a problem, laser is used to remove the affected vessels and reduce redness without damaging the surface skin. If you've been treating your acne yourself with no results, maybe it isn't acne. See a dermatologist without delay to find out if you may be suffering with rosacea. The sooner rosacea is diagnosed and treated, the better results you will see. Left too long, rosacea can progress to involve the eyes, and can even become disfiguring. Proper treatment can control the condition so you can put your best face forward.