Acne Treatments and Skin Types : Dry, Oily, Normal, Sensitive ?

Apr 6


Thomas Leroy

Thomas Leroy

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Knowing your skin tye is very important to find the proper acne treatment that will best suit you.

There are 5 basic skin types but your skin type can vary at different situations or when you get sick. It is best to know what your skin type is so you know what treatments to use when you experience skin problems or acne. Dry Skin This skin type is caused by little oil produced by the oil glands. The skin looks dull and lifeless. It feels dry and it also feels itchy or easily irritated. Drinking plenty of water is a good thing as it clears your body from toxins,Acne Treatments and Skin Types : Dry, Oily, Normal, Sensitive ? Articles which can cause acne breakouts, but contrary to some belief drinking a lot of water doesn't prevent dry skin (skin feels tight everyday). The water you drink doesn't reach your skin layers. Even if many people will say this technique work for them, there is no scientific statement on this point. It can help if you have a very dehydrated skin (which is not dry skin). A good moisturizer, made for dry skin and that keeps your skin hydrated is an ideal solution. In any case keep drinking water, this is healthy ! Oily Skin This skin type is the opposite of dry skin. If with dry skin your oil glands produce less oil, with oily skin the oil glands produce lots of oils. Oily skin makes your face look shiny and you would need some oil-absorbent paper to absorb the excess oil. This is the skin type that is more prone to acne as it produces too much sebum. Normal Skin This skin type is the most ideal. It produces just the right amount of sebum so it's not too oily nor is it too dry. You'll have vibrant-looking skin if your skin type is normal. If you have this skin type then you must thank your parents! Of course, you still need to keep your skin clean and well-moisturized. Sensitive Skin You can have dry, oily or normal skin and have sensitive skin. It's a skin condition rather than type really but many people have this type of skin. Their skin reacts quickly to conditions that non-sensitive skin won't feel a thing. Combination skin type This is your skin type if some parts of your face is oily while some parts are dry. Usually the T-zone gets oily while the other parts are dry. For each part, you must use the appropriate products. It is of course important for you to know your skin type for the choice of a proper acne treatment. You don't want to use a dry skin treatment if your skin is oily, and vice versa. If, generally, acne treatments are formulated for normal to oily skin, specific acne solutions for normal to dry skin also exist. Your skin condition and how your skin reacts is not only related to external factors, but internal issues too. You certainly have heard that there is not only one acne cause, but multiple. Impurities from outside, as well as hormonal issues or diet may have a direct or indirect impact on your skin complexion. You can find acne treatments that deal with both external and internal acne factors, using topical treatments as well as supplements.