This article talks about the benefits of acupuncture for curing a wide range of diseases side by side western medication. The article will mainly focus on the acupuncture treatment done in some clinics of Dublin.
Acupuncture is the form of treatment which includes insertion of ultra thin needles to certain pressure points known as acupuncture points for restoring the balance of energy flow known as Qi in Chinese in the body & improving the overall health of the body. This is a well known traditional Chinese medical system performed in ancient times & popular in China. But modern researches have proved the efficiency of acupuncture as an alternative treatment in curing a wide range of diseases. Acupuncture is best for pain relief cures. But its effectiveness for treating other forms of diseases has been accepted by many doctors & physicians. Therefore, many clinics now refer or prescribe acupuncture to their patients.
Modern western science has now acknowledged acupuncture as an alternative medication for treating:
Chinese Medicine Dublin: Dublin is the largest city & capital of Ireland. It is in the eastern coast, at the mouth of River Liffey in Ireland. The city is well known for its ancient monuments & historic structures along with its beautiful parks & important landmarks like Dublin castle, Spire of Dublin, the Ha’penny Bridge, Phoenix Park, St. Stephen’s Green, etc.
Chinese medicine was developed in China & is based on Chinese tradition which is more than 2000 years old. There are various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise & dietary therapy, all fall under traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medical treatment is widely followed throughout China & is also used in some western countries.
Acupuncture for Anxiety: Researchers have said that acupuncture is effective for anxiety. By inserting needles at specific points in the body, acupuncturists restore the balance of energy force called Qi or Chi in Chinese & overall health of the body which indirectly helps in reducing of stress, anxiety & depression.
Fertility Acupuncture Dublin: Research has proved that Acupuncture is effective for addressing the problem of fertility. It helps in treating the under functioning thyroid & over functioning thyroid known as Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism respectively & increases the blood flow to the endometrium & improves ovarian & follicular function.