After Taking Certain CEUs, MFT Licenses Can Be Renewed
You should find out which classes you may have to take when you get your CEUs. MFT requirements vary by state, but this will give you a general idea of what to expect.
Marriage and family therapists need certain types of continuing education credits,

or CEUs. MFT classes vary, but they all focus on problems that families and couples might encounter. Therefore, the more you learn about these issues, the better you can help your patients. You should learn some of the classes you may be required to take when you get containing education credits in this field.
One class you may have to take focuses on spousal abuse. During these types of CEUs, MFT students will be taught how to look for signs of abuse between spouses. Of course, you patients may even tell you outright that they are being abused, in which case you will need to know how to handle the issue. The abuse you find out about may be physical, sexual, or emotional, and you need to know how to deal with it all when your patients are having these problems.
You may need to take a class that helps you and your patients deal with the issues that aging can bring, including bereavement. When you treat older patients, you will have to handle the grief that comes when their loved ones are becoming sick or even passing away. In fact, you may get patients just because of these issues, so you need to know how to treat them.
More specifically, you will likely have to learn how to handle the problems that come with HIV/AIDS and similar serious conditions. Though you might not have a lot of patients facing these types of diseases, they are serious enough that you will need some guidance on how to handle them. Whether your patients have such diseases, or their loved ones do, they will look to you for help as their therapist.
Additionally, when taking CEUs, MFT students need to learn a bit about laws and ethics as they relate to this field. In fact, most states require this type of class if you want to renew your license. This subject is an important one since it is a major topic that will come up in any industry, so you should learn all you can from this kind of class.
If you plan to renew your license, you can expect to need CEUs. MFT licenses can usually only be renewed when you take particular classes that may differ depending on where you live. These are just some of the most common requirements when it comes to continuing education courses for marriage and family therapists.