After You See a Dentist, Begin Improving Your Dental Health
If you feel a little depressed about your teeth after a visit to the dentist, know that you can turn things around. Consider some easy ways to improve the health of your teeth and gums.
If you have recently been to the dentist,
only to find out that you have not been taking the best care of your teeth, your next step is to find out how to deal with it. Many people are guilty of not brushing enough, or putting off dental visits for years, so you are not alone. Consider some types of assistance that your practitioner may recommend to improve the health of your teeth.
Most people should get a cleaning about twice per year. However, for some people, a simple cleaning is not enough to get rid of the build up of tartar and bacteria. Instead, you might need a deep cleaning. This usually takes longer than the typical kind since it is more thorough. This may be suggested if you have the beginning of gum disease, or even if there just seems to be some inflammation near your gums, as extra time will be needed to get rid of the bacteria and plaque that is taking up space between the teeth and gums. In most cases, you will need one deep cleaning, and then slightly shorter and less intense cleanings every few months afterward, at least until the inflammation is reduced. Be prepared to spend more money for such cleanings, but the results should be worth it, and dental insurance usually covers at least a portion of the cost.
After your appointment, your dentist will likely tell you to brush and floss regularly. You should be brushing when you wake up every morning to get rid of the bacteria that builds up overnight, and then brush at night before you go to sleep. If you want to, you can also take a toothbrush with you to work to use after lunch so that you always have a fresh feeling in your mouth. You should also floss at least once per day. It may be hard to get into the habit at first, but once you do, it will be hard to break. Plus, the next time you see your dentist, you will probably have fewer cavities than ever.
An additional benefit after your appointment is that your practitioner may offer a stronger mouthwash than what you would find at the store. You may be instructed to use it at least once per day after you brush your teeth, either by swishing it around like regular mouthwash, or putting some on your toothbrush and rubbing it on your gums. This can help get rid of any bacteria on the surface. If your practitioner does not offer you this strong type of mouthwash, you can get the regular kind at the store, as it works similarly. You just may have to use a little more for the same results.
Seeing your dentist and finding that you should improve your dental habits is nothing to be ashamed of. What is important as that you are now aware of how to get better results, and will now be committed to doing so using a few simple habits.