Recently, cannabinoids have been extensively studied for their anticancer effects and to relieve symptoms related to the side effects of its treatment. Various cell culture and animal studies have shown antitumor effects of cannabinoids in various types of cancer. Both, in vitro and in vivo cancer models show that cannabinoids can effectively modulate tumor growth, although it has also been noted that the antitumor effect of CBD largely depends on cancer type (3) and the side effect the patient is suffering from, which might vary from person to person.
You might find it surprising to know that revenues from hemp-based CBD products were already above USD 30 million in 2017. In fact, you can expect the CBD industry to be worth several billions of US dollars by 2022. CBD is the short form for Cannabidiol, and is one of more than 100 chemicals present in the cannabis plant. There have been a few uses of CBD oil for cancer, but no conclusive evidence has yet been obtained of it being a sure shot cure.
CBD has been recognized as a complex product with different mechanisms at work, some of which are able to provide excellent health benefits:
It has been said that CBD for cancer prevention does appear to prevent the growth of various types of tumor cells in animal models as well as test tubes. However, it is also likely that certain cannabinoids can even suppress the human immune system, thereby allowing unabated growth of tumors. More research is needed to truly ascertain the potential of the cannabis plant.
Side effects of CBD
Most people are able to tolerate CBD easily, but there are some who experience mild side effects. The list of such side effects includes:
Always consult a doctor before deciding to try Cannabidiol. He or she may warn you of how it could have potentially dangerous effects on the following medications:
Live toxicity is one of the major side effects, having been tested on mice. CBD also inhibits the use of certain enzymes vital for cancer therapy, which can lead to the therapy becoming less effective in the chemical’s presence.