All About Liposuction
Liposuction is a treatment option that is used to sculpt the body by way of removal of excess fat from various areas of the body. The treatment can be performed on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, back, calves, ankles, jowls, cheeks, upper arms, and many other areas. In this article, we will outline this popular procedure in hopes of informing others of the benefits and techniques involved.

there are a few different ways to go about the removal of fat:
• Traditional – This method involves the insertion of a long, thin tube called a cannula through a small incision in order to vacuum the fat cells. The operating surgeon moves the device back and forth through the layers of fat to break it up, and then suction out the excess.
• Ultrasound – This method uses a special cannula, which is inserted through a series of access incisions. The cannula emits sound waves that help to break up fat deposits, making the removal process all the more easier.
• Power-Assisted – A method in which a motorized cannula is used to break up fat tissues.
• Laser-Assisted – This method involves a small incision, into which a laser fiber probe is inserted. The probe produces a burst of energy and liquefies the fat prior to removal.
• Based on the operating surgeon’s experience and specialty, he or she will decide on a method of anesthetic, along with the wetting solution and exact method of liposuction.
Ideal candidates for liposuction are those who are of relatively healthy weight, but who have isolated pockets of fat that have not responded well to diet and exercise programs. Skin should be elastic and firm, while showing excess of fat deposits in certain body area. Remember that the procedure removes fat, and not excess skin.
Prior to surgery, your surgeon will provide you with a list of instruction pertaining to what one should do and not do in the dates leading up to the operation. This may include instructions regarding food and beverage choices. In addition, your surgeon will almost definitely discuss the importance of quitting smoking a month prior to treatment. Smoking greatly increases the risks of any surgery, and liposuction is far from any exception. Additional instructions may pertain to medications or activities.
Post treatment, the areas will be swollen and bruised for several days. Generally, suction sites will be wrapped with an elastic bandage. Support hosiery or a girdle may be worn over in order to help compress tissue and control any bruising or swelling.
If you are interested in learning more about this exciting procedure, the best place to begin is by contacting a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area. He or she will best be able to help you evaluate your available options while making recommendations regarding your specific case.