Regarding to skin care and acne in particular, Aloe Vera is a very beneficial component to have. Since acne is said to be driven by bacteria that grows on our skin, thanks to our hormones producing too much oil, the fact that Aloe Vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal activities, makes it a perfect additive in the fight against acne.
The first thought I think of when I hear the word Aloe Vera is sunburn. Since I am a fairly light skinned person, when summer time rolled around in my household Aloe Vera was a prominent factor in a day at the beach or a day playing outside. I despised the sun burn, but I loved the cool green gel my mom would rub on my skin.
Even though growing up, I never thought of Aloe Vera as anything put a sun burn remedy, I have come to realize that sun burns are not the only use for it. What I have found from my research into this ingredient is that it is a very soothing and moisturizing element. These positive effects are thought to be due to the presence of compounds such as polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins, which allows the Aloe Vera to heal dry, rough skin, and even open wounds and liaisons. There is some actual evidence that says Aloe Vera can even be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and and elevated blood lipids in humans. It is actually a lot more effective than I ever thought.
Relating to skin care and acne in particular, Aloe Vera is a very beneficial component to have. Since acne is said to be driven by bacteria that grows on our skin, thanks to our hormones producing too much oil, the fact that Aloe Vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal activities, makes it a perfect additive in the fight against acne. Since this extract is also known for its soothing qualities on irritated skin, you know for fact redness and swelling will not be an issue. Moisturizing elements in Aloe Vera is another positive when using a skin care product because no one wants their products to dry their skin out further. Along with other ingredients, Aloe Vera is something that can only increase the value of the product.
So the next time you are out shopping for a new acne treatment of possibly a body lotion, check to see if Aloe Vera is a part of the makeup. It will only be a plus for your skin and overall outlook. Using ingredients from the earth is always something to smile about. You know for a fact that you are safe and doing something for your body that it will be able to accept and use more efficiently than those synthetic additives that are present in other products.
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