Alternatives To Antidepressants
These days depression is not something that is swept under the rug. Years ago disorders that were mental in nature were not spoken about simply because of the stigma associated with the idea that those who were mentally ill were crazy. And of course no one wanted to be known as crazy.
These days depression is not something that is swept under the rug. Years ago disorders that were mental in nature were not spoken about simply because of the stigma associated with the idea that those who were mentally ill were crazy. And of course no one wanted to be known as crazy.
Over time,
mental disorders have gained acceptance and people are no longer afraid to admit they are depressed or are taking medications for depression. Take into account the fast pace and highly stressed individuals trying to balance work loads, family obligations, and some alone time and you will discover that 33% of Americans are taking some type of anti-depressant medication to try and maintain their balance.
It is a shame that in a world filled with such splendor that we as a society are so miserable that we need to stay medicated in order to make it through our daily lives. Instead of making the changes that we need to be happy we instead need a bottle of pills to keep us going through life. The use of antidepressants not only helps us to feel better but also comes with a world of side effects that includes suicidal thoughts, sexual dysfunction, as well as sleeping and eating disorders. And while antidepressants are keeping us happy the additional side effects are adding more complications to our lives. Really there is no way to win.
Unfortunately, there also seems to be a rise in the number of children showing signs of depression. Are they a product of their environment? It seems many individuals are not happy and that is a sad affair. Happiness is unique to us all and we all need to assess our lives and determine what makes us happy and how happiness can be found the majority of time. Can it be found by listening to music, helping others or just enjoying a beautiful day? Whatever your passion is start to do it on a daily basis and bring more joy and positive things into your life. Be appreciative of all your blessings.
Depression is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly. Look for signs that can identify depression such as withdrawal from others, too much sleep of lack of, major change in eating patterns. If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms, seek medical assistance. While medication may initially be he answer, bigger strides in changing the environment or attitude towards life need to be made long term.