Good skin condition is one way in which our age may be perceived. A wrinkled skin can be deceptive. Learn how to look younger by avoiding and improving wrinkles.
Because it forms a barrier between your internal organs and the external environment, skin participates in many vital functions of the body and is an indispensable structure for human life.
The outer surface consists of stratified layers of dead, "keratinized" cells that form an effective protective covering against the penetration of noxious substances from the outside environment. The protective function is further enhanced by the oily and slightly acid secretions of the sebaceous glands, which discourage the growth and multiplication of many harmful bacteria.
Underlying this tough outer layer, or the epidermis, are the dermis and subcutaneous tissues that, far from being homogeneous, are composed of a multitude of tissues, supported and maintained in proper relation to one another by means of fibrous and elastic connective tissue.
Wrinkling is a very apparent indication of unhealthy skin.
Don't just think of wrinkles as an inevitable part of aging skin; harmful external influences also play a part. Prolonged exposure to the sun is well known to produce the adverse effect of premature aging of the skin. Experts agree that wearing sun-screen is essential, even if you don't think the sun is very strong.
However, wrinkles are also brought about by the loss of fatty tissues in the skin's innermost layer. Wrinkles most often become apparent with loss of skin firmness and elasticity. Not only caused by the harmful UV rays from the sun, additional factors in our environment.
Although the skin has the natural ability to heal itself, it still needs some help from other substances that should be contained in good skin products. Both medical and skin experts have declared that the application of good quality skin care products is vital for its regeneration, in conjunction with responsible skin protection.
A good quality skin care product rich in beneficial ingredients, will undoubtedly promote the lost fatty tissues and elasticity (elastin). These ingredients are specifically formulated to work on predefined skin areas to stimulate collagen production increase skin elasticity. These two elements of the skin are the ones responsible for the restoration of the innate moisturizing ability of the skin.
Be aware though,not all skin care products are of the same quality. There are some factors that need to be considered when choosing skin products that will best work for wrinkles. Here are some of them:
1. Choose skin products that contain the necessary components to work best on wrinkles.
Numerous skincare products are formulated to eradicate wrinkles. Some are better than others. Be careful in your choice of skin care product; select those which include elastin, essential oils and anti-oxidants such as grapeseed, as these will promote rehydration to the skin's natural moisture level.
2. Choose a skin product that contains Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is not only good for the bones and teeth but also for the skin. It produces collagen, which helps strengthen skin. Moreover, Vitamin C has long been proven to fight and prevent wrinkles. It is effective against skin blemishes due to damaging sun rays. In addition to deriving vitamin C and other nutrients from a healthy diet, the skin has the ability to absorb it.
3. Select a skin care product which will readily be absorbed by the skin.
One of the factors that will affect the efficiency of the skin products is its ability to penetrate quickly into the skin. It is most effective when allowed to penetrate the innermost skin layer. So even if the skin product contains most of the necessary ingredients needed to cure wrinkles, if it does not penetrate easily into the skin, the whole treatment is useless. Deep penetration of the skin is essential for replacing elements lost because of skin damage.
4. Protect your skin from the sun.
Regular use of a sun screen is vital; always check out a skin care product to ensure it is included, never assume so.
5. Your skin-care product should be hypoallergenic.
Not all skin products are created equal and in the same way, not all skins are the same. There are some individuals whose skin is really sensitive and using certain products can generate adverse reactions. People with sensitive skin are strongly advised to choose a product containing hypoallergenic materials, or natural substances, which will safely stimulate the skin. Always test a new product on a small area of skin before regular use, just in case you suffer an unpleasant reaction.
The effects of aging can never be completely overcome, however, by carefully selecting good quality skin products, you will help your skin rejuvenate itself and look younger.
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