Whether breast implants are a good idea or not is a very personal decision. Don't let other people pressure you into any cosmetic surgery.
One of the most common complaints among women in regards to their own appearance is the size of their breasts. In a world where it seems that men are gaga for large breasts, it's easy to see why many women feel this way. The obvious response to this problem for many is getting breast implants, a form of cosmetic surgery which has been on the rise for decades. According to one source, almost 300,000 breast implant surgeries were performed just last year and the number is seemingly on a steady rise. The question is, is it worth it? For many women, breast implant surgery is no more foreign than the idea of getting a new pair of pants. We all know that a makeover or new clothes can cause a massive boost to self-esteem and confidence, something which can be invaluable in some circles, especially in the business world. It makes sense that removing a massive complaint about one's body would cause even more of a confidence boost, and for some the surgery is completely worth it. It does come at a cost however. Many males complain about "plastic breasts" and how even the best seem to be unnatural and unappealing, with many of these males preferring small breasts to cosmetically altered ones. Certainly this sentiment is not universal, many men feel the exact opposite, but it is important to remember that breast implants won't make you more attractive to all men, all the time. So, with what we know, the question largely comes down to "Are you doing it for you, or doing it for him?" The last thing you want to do is pay for breast augmentation surgery, only to have to pay to have it undone a few years later! It's a topic that is certainly worth discussion and thought. At the end of the day, the best reason for breast implants is that you think they would make you feel more confident and attractive, not that they would make you more appealing to your husband or boyfriend. Many women get breast implants for their husband only to end up regretting what eventually is viewed as marring their body for the pleasure of another person. Breast augmentation surgery of any sort should never be a gift for another person, but instead for the person who is getting the surgery. If you feel that larger breasts will make you feel more confident, or that they will give you an advantage in the dog-eat-dog corporate environment, then it may be worth your time and money, but always remember that you don't want to get any surgery you don't want to take to the grave.
Breast Implants - Are They Right For You?
Are breast implants right for you? When making your decision, try to drown out the media and popular culture.How Safe Are Breast Implants?
Breast implants have been around longer than many people realize. Over time, safety has improved dramatically.Breast Augmentation Does Not Always Mean Bigger Breasts
There are numerous cable TV shows, magazines, and talk show hosts who tout the wonders of plastic surgery. One of the most frequent type of plastic surgery is breast augmentation. You need to learn more, so read on!