Are your Holidays complete with family, friends,and love handles? Are you dreading the temptations of food,guilt and Holiday Fat! Here are some practical tips to avoiding those excess holiday pounds.
Are you dreading the temptations of food,guilt and Holiday Fat! Do the Holidays always seem to revolve around food? Here are some tips to avoid adding those excess pounds.
Set early goals. Know your temptations. Be prepared for "impulsive eating" environments. Establish a fitness routine NOW.
Exercise is a win win strategy in preventing Holiday fat!
Some great reasons to get started on an exercise routine are;
1. Increased Energy and Motivation
2. Alleviating Stress, and Anxiety
3. Curbing Depression and Fatigue
Motivation? Why start now, can't it wait until after the Holidays?
Be agressive - taking a passive stance is a sure sign of defeat. With winter weather upon us, daylight decreases along with our energy, activities and motivation. Did you know you are more likely to make unhealthy choices when you are not in a regular fitness routine?
While experiencing victory in your goal process you are far less likely to compromise yourself with that fudge plate on the table. Don't be apathetic. It leads to feelings of defeat and hopelessness.
In order to avoid Holiday Fat, self destructive eating habits, and failure this Holiday season, choose to take that first step and when you do, you will feel inspired to continue! Exercise increases motivation, energy and self esteem.
Stress? What does Holiday Fat have to do with stress?
As we all know the Holidays can be a very stressful time for all of us. Daily life is hectic enough, but with the added expectations that come with the Holiday season coupled with bad food choices, stress levels soar.
On the flip side, there is good news! Exercise is also a natural remedy to stress. Several studies have proved that exercise on a regular basis will relieve tenstion, help with anxiety and even lower blood pressure. In a nut shell, you will feel better, sleep better and be better equipped to cope with the Holiday madness!
Exercise Combats Holiday Depression?
It is a well known fact that the Holiday season is synonymous with depression and fatigue. The rise in depression around the Holidays is significant. Add fat to the mix and that is one more reason to feel down.
Exercise is nature's medication for depression! Increasing your heart rate and stimulating your muscles releases natural endorphins. These endorphins are "mood boosters". Your energy levels increase, the side effects are, you feel more positive, you are more productive and your fatigue is history! Now that is a mood booster!
So now we know exercise is not just for avoiding Holiday pounds, but it is a stress buster and a mood booster as well.
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