Avoid These Triggers to Keep Acid Reflux at Bay
What triggers acid reflux is a common question? Here's what you need to know about the common triggers for heartburn and what you can do to prevent it.
What is Acid Reflux?Acid reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is one of the most common disorders experienced by people the world over. It is a condition in which stomach acid seeps back into the esophagus and causes a burning sensation and a lot of discomfort.What Causes It?((The condition is primarily caused due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter muscles. Other factors include:• Obesity• Eating just before bedtime• Eating heavy meals and lying down immediately• Smoking• Excess consumption of alcohol,

tea, coffee, and carbonated beverages• Side effects of medications• Foods like chocolates, raw onions, tomatoes, garlic, mint, spicy and fatty food, etc.Common Triggers• Spicy Food:Hot and spicy food that contains a high amount of chilies and peppers causes burning in the stomach. Such food irritates the stomach lining and causes excess production of digestive acids.• Acidic Foods: Foods, which are acidic in nature, act like triggers. Fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, onions, pineapples, grapefruit, and oranges are all acidic in nature and therefore should be consumed in limits.• Carbonated Beverages:Carbonated beverages increase pressure in the stomach. This in turn leads to an increase in the digestive acids in the stomach, thus triggering the symptoms.• Caffeine: Caffeine causes an increase in the secretion of gastric acids in the stomach. Therefore, those who consume a high amount of coffee often experience heartburn. If you do like to drink coffee, it is better to switch to decaf to avoid triggering the symptoms.• Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body and increase the levels of gastric acid in the stomach. This problem is particularly more common amongst people who are allergic to alcohol.• Red Meat: As compared to chicken, fish and turkey, meats like pork and beef take longer to digest. Hence, it is best to cut down on the consumption of meats like beef and pork and switch to chicken, fish and vegetables.• Dairy Products: Many people drink a glass of milk just before going to bed. This actually increases the secretion of acid in the stomach. Also, acid secretion is much higher and quicker when the stomach is already full.Treating the ProblemTreatment for acid reflux involves the use of medications called H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. Generic Nexium (Esomeprazole) is one the most common medicines prescribed for treating this GERD. It is a proton pump inhibitor drug that works by lowering the amount of acid produced in the stomach. By doing so, Nexium also prevents stomach ulcers, which can be caused due to chronic acid reflux.Doctors even prescribe Esomeprazole for duodenal ulcers and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, both of which are caused due to excess production of gastric acids. However, Nexium is not a heartburn medicine and will not provide immediate relief from the burning sensation. The best way to deal with acid reflux is staying clear of the triggers. Although there are effective treatments available, eating right, exercising regularly, making healthy lifestyle changes and avoiding the triggers will prove helpful in treating this disorder.