Bacteria Carried by Cockroaches
According to the National Pest Management Control Association: "Cockroaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces
Germs that cockroaches eat from decaying matter or sewage are protected while in their bodies and may remain infective for several weeks longer than if they had been exposed to cleaning agents,

rinse water, or just sunlight and air. "1The main problem with roaches is that they can live unseen in all areas of a home. Humans often presume infestations have been suppressed when roaches might be present and growing in number in the attic, basements, under bathtubs, kitchen cabinets, between ceilings and insulation, caulking, overflow drains, sewers, in the roof tiles and ceilings, and pipes.Roaches like moisture and can find their way to multiplying numbers near a leaky pipe between the walls, underneath a broken drain overflow, or in areas long disused, such as storage areas or cabinets and drawers. Surface water can extend the life of a roach long enough for it to scurry under a car (or into a wheel well) or climb up a tree by a window or into a florist's hothouse plant left on the doorstep.One bomb and one set of roach "motels" won't get rid of a cockroach problem. It’s a battle of numbers. Man-made substances such as Hydramethalmelnon gel or Deltamethrin are necessary to combat structural penetrations and infestations in a house, apartment, office, factory, or school.Experienced pest control agents should be consulted, as they will know the pertinent facts about local roach contamination trends, infestation tracking, breed fluctuations, as well as effective ways to end the "occupation."The source of new roaches and addition to the ‘residents� may be ongoing—from a nearby building, or from vehicles carrying food and water from contaminated or infested areas.Cockroaches have been shown to make group decisions,2 so if one finds a happy home under the often-wet cubbyhole inside your leaky faucet, soon others will too.Ventilated storehouses where spoiled or broken food containers are aggregated may spawn a huge population that can flow out into field and be carried miles away and spread into widening circles of pest population behavior.Since the cockroach has few natural predators, man must step into eradicate them. Ammonia, bleach, or chalk powder can be used to fend subsequent roaches away. Those experienced in roach control in domestic areas know: roaches will not cross a line of borax (soda) and in some cases bleach salts or ammonium chloride can be effective (although recommended for industrial use only).If cornstarch, flour, or food-smelling elements are added to the roach "powder," then roaches are attracted to it and breathe it in. This dust works at a level that makes human size once again an advantage: the dust is mildly acrid or annoying to a human, but to a small insect it is toxic.New studies related to pest-control developments show cockroaches leave chemical trails in their feces. Other cockroaches will follow these trails to discover sources of food, water, and where other cockroaches are hiding. Thus, constant cleaning can eradicate some of these "messages" left inside your home.But a major implication of this research is a new technique in cockroach pest control. Cockroaches could be potentially removed from a home by leaving a chemical trail that leads away from the home. Some strays will start to follow the new "breadcrumbs." Since roaches make group decisions, the entire group may be led away. This "collegial" decision making allows the herd of roaches to congregate in self-defensive masses to their mutual benefit.For more discussion of this topic, check the link below:
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