Millions of women experience problems with the vagina. While this is usually a self-cleaning part of the female form, there are some issues that can manifest in the area. That includes problems with bacteria, and a problem known as bacterial vaginosis.
This is an issue that most women don’t even realize that they have until the symptoms start to manifest. There are a number of issues that could manifest in this regard, and to cure them, one has to know what this is and how it can affect the body.
What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?
Before getting into the cure, consider first what this malady truly is. This is a problem that is associated with pH balance and bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. This can cause an inflammation of the tissue, and lead to a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include vaginal discharge, odor, itching, pain during sex, and discomfort. There are several risks that are associated with this issue, and some that can elevate the issue overall. Some of the most common issues associated with this include unprotected sex with multiple partners, and douching too frequently. These issues can cause a change in the pH balance of the vagina and cause the symptoms to come through overall.
Curing Bacterial Vaginosis
When you suspect that you have this issue, or a doctor diagnosis you with bacterial vaginosis, it’s imperative not to panic. This is not something that is going to cause a great deal of danger. With the sole exception of pregnant women. If you’re pregnant, then this could cause miscarriage, as there’s a link within it. The following are the most common cures that are given to patients of this problem, including some over the counter options that can be utilized.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the methods that can be used to clear up the pH imbalance, and help with bacterial shifts is that of apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that can help with a variety of different elements and lead to better overall shifts in the vagina. To use this, one must get a tampon and introduce the apple cider vinegar into the vagina for a short time, and that’s it. Within a few treatments, this can help change the pH levels and help clear up the bacteria.
Topical Treatments (OTC)
The next thing that can be used to cure the issue is that of over the counter pH balance cleansers. These are topical solutions that can be used and do not hurt, or cause much disruption in the body. You will find that some of these are called “BV” clearing kit, or Complete Therapy. These are gels and creams that are placed on the vagina.
Prescription Medications
Curing vaginosis may require you to visit a doctor. If a doctor diagnosis you with this problem, you’ll be able to get a prescription of antibiotics to help with clearing this out. This is something that is easy to work with, and something that you can take orally as well as a gel. This will need to be taken up to 11 days, and it will help reverse the issues.
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