Women today will face off against a great number of issues with their bodies. One of the problems that they can face is that of bacterial vaginosis. This is a common issue that can affect women of various ages, including those that are post-menopausal.
This is an issue that presents no symptoms at first, but can develop symptoms over time. In order to understand how this is treated, it is important to realize some of the main causes that can lead to this issue.
What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?
The first thing that should be known about this malady is that it is an inflammation of the vagina. The tissue has a pH balance, and certain bacterial elements. Those can change over time, and can become irritated. When that occurs, you’ll find that the pH balance shifts, and negative bacteria fills the vagina and causes a number of symptoms.
The symptoms associated with vaginosis do not always show up right away. However, they can manifest over time. These include such things as discharge, itching, redness, odor, pain during sex, and may occur solitary or in a group. If these manifest, the diagnosis is nearly always vaginosis as the pH balance has been disrupted and needs to be addressed.
Diagnosing The Problem
Women can self-diagnose the issue. They will be able to figure out the issue based on the symptoms. If the symptoms listed above start to manifest, then it’s important to address some of the root causes and risk factors.
Some of the risk factors that can come into play here include unprotected sex with multiple partners, douching too often, and cleanliness. These all disrupt the balance of the bacteria in the vagina and can cause the problem to manifest.
While women can self-diagnose, some may prefer to visit a professional. A doctor can find out what the root cause is, and will be able to prescribe medication that should be able to assist in some way.
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis
For many women, purchasing over the counter options can help. This includes options like BV cleaning kits, and Monistat Complete Therapy, which both help with cleaning the bacteria in the vagina. These take a little time to work overall, but they can work to help restore the pH balance of the vagina to proper areas.
Doctors will treat things in a similar fashion. They will prescribe antibiotic creams or gels, as well as pills. These are to be taken within a certain span of time, without limiting the option. By taking them through the course of 7 to 11 days, the body will adjust the pH balance and bacteria will be restored naturally for the better. It’s a simple treatment solution that works nearly every time, without issues.
Within a year of healing the issue initially, women may see a recurrence. If that’s the case, new avenues of treatment may be necessary overall, which is why this is an important thing to understand overall. Without proper treatment, this will not go away. Reducing the risks can help, as well as eating yogurt more often.
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