There are bad brushing habits that you should start ignoring. If not, you will bring damage to your teeth and gums.
Brushing your teeth is not enough. You should learn how to do it properly. Yes,
there are appropriate ways to clean your teeth to efficiently avoid the accumulation of plaque and bacteria, keep your breath fresh and care for your gums. There are also bad brushing habits that you should forget about immediately to ensure the best oral health for you. Your dentist in Chandler AZ can teach you about these.
1. Using the wrong toothbrush.
Don't think that a toothbrush with hard bristles is good for your teeth because it can ultimately clean them. Well, you are wrong. You will bring harm not only to your tooth enamel but also to your gums. Choose soft brushes that you can find in grocery or drug stores. If you are still doubtful, you may ask your dentist for recommendation. Similarly, use toothpaste containing fluoride. It fights off dental cairies, makes your enamel stronger and shields your teeth from potential acid damage.
2. Cleaning the teeth in a hurry and brushing them too hard.
Some people make tooth brushing as their last activity before going to school or work; hence, they have a tendency to do it fast. Because time seems to be running quick, they do not recognize that they are doing it too hard as well. If you are one of them, you are putting your enamel at higher risk. Aside from this, you are hurting your gums, which will cause soreness and recession.
3. Brushing the teeth for a few seconds or one minute only.
Some people think that brushing for a few seconds is sufficient to remove dirt in their teeth. Some individuals, on the other hand, are always in a rush that they spend so little time in cleaning their teeth. These persons don't realize that they are not giving justice to their teeth. Your dentist in Chandler AZ recommends that you brush your teeth for two to three minutes twice each day. So the next time you are in the bathroom, be sure to check the time so you can monitor how long you must do it. Better yet, buy an electric toothbrush that features a timer.
4. Not combining it with flossing and mouth rinsing.
Again, brushing alone is not enough to clean your teeth. You should use dental floss once each day to get rid of food trapped in between your teeth thereby stopping cavities. You should also rinse your mouth to see to it that bacteria have left in your mouth for good. Buy a mouthwash product that kills germs and is free from alcohol.
5. Not cleaning the tongue.
Your tongue is where bacteria also dwell. In no time, it will stink. Therefore, you must purchase tongue scraper, which works specifically to clean tongue. Clean your tongue from the root to the tip once each day.
To make sure that you are pursuing the best oral hygiene, go to your dentist in Chandler AZ regularly (twice every year). He can coach you on how to take care of your teeth, mouth and gums.