Battling the Flu with All Natural Remedies
As much as we hate it, we have to find ways to combat the flu each and every year. Since there is no cure for the flu, the only way to cope with it is to manage the symptoms. To handle them the best way possible so you can do your day to day functions is to use natural remedies.
As much as we hate it,

we have to find ways to combat the flu each and every year. You hear about getting a flu shot every year and hope that it will do its job and protect you against the flu, but it doesn’t protect from all the different strains. While they do protect against the most common ones that come up each year, it doesn’t provide protection against all of them. This means that even if you have gotten a flu shot, you can definitely still come down with a case of the flu. Since there is no cure for the flu, the only way to cope with it is to manage the symptoms. To handle them the best way possible so you can do your day to day functions is to use natural remedies.
Even though companies run all kinds of commercials that push products which are supposed to stop the aches and pains, help you sleep and clear your head, they are a lot of hype. Although they may help some, if you look at the side effects these “medicines” have, they may be worse than having to suffer through the flu. Remedies are supposed to make you feel better but these can actually make you feel worse than you did before. Managing your symptoms with all natural remedies is a much better way than using all kinds of strange chemicals.
Truth be told, there are many great ways to fend off flu symptoms with remedies that are all natural and they have few, if any, of the side effects caused by the commercial medicines that are advertised. These natural remedies rarely have any side effects and are just as effective at alleviating the symptoms of the flu as the hyped medicines you can get. Although there is no cure for the flu, you can manage your symptoms which will enable you to deal with your day to day needs.
If you get the flu, drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. In order to get back in gear as soon as possible, all natural supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, Echinacea and zinc will help immensely. Teas like green tea help you to stay hydrated and the essential vitamins, herbs and minerals in these teas help to strengthen your body and help to minimize your symptoms. Although you may not be 100%, at least you can use these all natural remedies so you can take care of your day to day needs by using all natural remedies instead of strange drugs. None of these things will heal you of the flu but will hopefully help you through the rough season without getting sick.