Become more functional with Alliance Chiropractic and Massage
Have you ever wondered how life would be if those debilitating neck pains could just vanish.
Do you think that you could have been more functional if those persistent low back pains weren’t there?

a lot of people who have spinal problems give away an active part of their social and occupational life, because they believe that their problems can never be resolved-that they would never be able to cope up with it permanently. But we at Alliance Chiropractic and Massage not just want to alleviate your pains; we also want to make you more functional and active in regular life.
At Alliance Chiropractic and Massage, our sole endeavor is to provide customized treatment and massage options for our clients. While the chiropractic treatment is aimed at using techniques that are safe and effective for dealing with spinal injuries, massage is use as a complimentary treatment to chiropractic techniques.
We at Alliance Chiropractic and Massage use techniques like micro-current therapy, Ultra Sound therapy, interferential electro-therapy and decompression therapy to help people deal with spinal and muscle problems like spasms, soft tissue injuries, strains, sprains, back and neck pain that arise due to old age, accidents, lifestyle related diseases or other medical conditions.
Massage as complimentary treatment option aims at improving blood flow in your arteries and lymph nodes which enables faster recovery and alleviates stress and pain. In case of pains that are highly incapacitating, Active Therapeutic Movement is used for immediate and long lasting relief.
For overall healing, we aim at helping our clients live a more positive and healthier life. For the same, we provide them dietary and nutritional information along with steps to make themselves more functional and techniques to avoid any spinal problems in long run. Alliance Chiropractic and Massage has special treatments for people with personal injuries which is targeted at improving their overall function.
But if you think that Alliance Chiropractic and Massage is expensive and not within your reach, then we would like to break that myth. We offer affordable cash pricing option and are associated with a number of health insurance carriers.
Our team of chiropractors and massage therapists is headed by Dr. Jeffrey Scott Ruth, who is passionate to find customizable treatment for different clients. He also emphasizes on the need for exercise, modification in diet, importance of nutrition and spinal adjustments to help the clients deal and overcome their spinal problems in long run.