Being Diagnosed with Gynecomastia is Not the End of the World
Gynecomastia is an embarrassing health condition that gives men breasts. This condition can interfere with a person's social and personal life and create serious problems with their self-image.
Gynecomastia is a medical condition that affects men. A physical symptom of this condition is an abnormal enlargement of the mammary glands. This gives the appearance of breasts which is something many men and women find very unattractive. Men who have this condition often end up feeling too embarrassed to be seen and it can greatly interfere with their personal life and social skills. It is not pleasant to be diagnosed with this condition and greatly impact a person's feelings and views about their body image and create a negative array of emotions.
Although it is caused by a severe hormone imbalance,

it is usually evident by an accumulation of fat in the chest area. Keep in mind that men who are obese or overweight may mistakenly make the assumption that they have Gynecomastia instead of recognizing their situation for what it is. That is why it is important to see a doctor so they can run some tests, to determine what the cause of your man boobs is.
There is no specific age at which a male can suffer from this condition. It can affect babies, young boys, young men and elderly men. It has been determined that Gynecomastia is not life threatening and while it does not necessarily pose any physical health risks, it does create many problems emotional for those who are afflicted. Many men who have been diagnosed with the condition have reported that they suffer from depression, humiliation, embarrassment and poor self-esteem.
One of the best ways to cope with this condition is to learn everything you can about it. By understanding the cause, symptoms and treatments, you can make an informed decision on how to proceed to get rid of it and how to prevent it from coming back.
One of the physical manifestations of this condition is that it can cause one or both breasts to grow in men. In some cases, discharge, bleeding and puffiness may be present. This can lead to much dissatisfaction with appearance and cause the person that has the condition to avoid social situation and can be very debilitating socially.
When you start to notice what appears to be swelling or increased sensitivity in addition to breast growth, it is time for you to see your doctor. The sooner you see them, the better. They can prevent you from having to deal with the stigmas and stereotypes that are often associated with men who have breasts. They may need to run some tests and get an in depth history of your health so they can determine what the exact cause of your Gynecomastia is and how they should proceed to treat it. This will prevent you from assuming your condition is something that t may not be. There are many different ways that Gynecomastia can be treated. These treatments range from medication being substituted from what you were previously taking, hormone therapy and even breast reduction surgery for men.