Body Contouring - The Skinny on Losing Loose Skin
For years, you have dealt with excess pounds, and have tried everything to get rid of it, and now you find yourself minus one hundred pounds plus a whole lot of loose skin. Discover what you need to know about cosmetic surgery, after losing weight, as a possible solution to this problem.
Most of you have probably seen the well-known reality TV show that stars overweight individuals who,

by the time they leave the facility have lost sometimes hundreds of pounds. As you watch the show, and watch them melt away, one thing seems to remain, and that is skin. Surely this problem is not at the top of their list of worries. Once they return home and get back into every day life, it is most likely something they will not only notice but want to remedy. At this point the thought of cosmetic surgery may enter their mind.
Perhaps yours is a similar life situation. Your weight loss journey was likely on your own and not on a reality TV show, but nonetheless, you have an issue that is causing disappointment even with the great victory of weight loss. If this disappointment is there, then cosmetic surgery may be right for you.
It might help to understand your problem. Three issues contribute to a lessening of elasticity in the skin- too much sun exposure, age, and smoking. If you already have some of these contributing factors, then this may be the reason for suffering from this loosening skin following weight loss.
The series of surgeries that are especially for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and are struggling with excess skin is called Body Contouring. Whether it is excess skin on your abdomen or arms, cosmetic procedures can correct it by skin removal. The removal can literally help individuals lose more weight because the skin itself can weigh quite a bit, and it takes up space.
Before considering any procedure, it is important to know what possible complications the surgery could include. There are a variety of procedures that come with Body Contouring. The complications really depend on the extent of your procedure. The main issues that can be encountered are issues with your incisions. This is especially the case in larger incisions. There is the risk of infection, collection of fluid, and the separation of wound area.
If the desire to look good fast outweighs the risks, then Body Contouring may be right for you. As you begin the search for the right surgeon, consider a few items. Doing research is essential in the search to find the right surgeon for your needs. Make sure to check with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as they will be a great help in finding out details about various surgeons. After doing the research, be sure and meet the surgeons you are considering.
Once you finalize your decision of what procedure and surgeon to use, you are on your way to a new life for yourself. Body contouring will change your life whether you think it will or not. It will change the way you look at yourself, and it will change the way others look at you. After working so hard to lose weight and begin a healthier lifestyle, this is just one of the finishing steps to overall health. Article Resource Box: