Learn how to improve your gliding method so you can massage better.
Do you know about the gliding technique when massaging? Actually there are many techniques like the gliding, pressing, kneading, rubbing, shaking, tapping and stretching. This article will be discussing the gliding technique in detail.
The benefits of gliding over pressing during a massage:
- It is an excellent method to warm the skin up. At the same time, you can spread the massage oils around the body area.
- By gliding, you are covering the most areas during a massage.
- Lastly, gliding permits you to have a feel for the person's body you are massaging.
How much pressure to apply when gliding?
This varies from little to a lot. When starting a massage, you should always start with a light glide. Then, slowly increase the gliding pressure as the massage progresses.
Basics of gliding
When you perform long and soft glides, you are actually stroking the nerves of the body area. It is also known as stroking the nerves because it soothes them.
You can also slide along the body, following the body contours of the massage receiver. Think of it as sliding down the banister.
Squeezing the toothpaste through a tube
Usually you glide along the toothpaste and squeeze it at the same time, right? Now you can do it with a person's legs or arms. Glide along the body limbs but squeezing it at the same time. Most of the time, people who are new to massages will feel surprised by this move.
But you should always glide towards the heart. This promotes better circulation of the blood towards the heart. For example, you can massage upwards when doing a person's legs, from bottom to top. For the hands, massage from the palm until the biceps and triceps.
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