Botox - Will It Help Deep Facial Scarring?

Jul 22


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Botox may be the answer to your deep facial scarring as a result of acne. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of having injections, as well as a few other possible treatments.

If you've ever suffered with deep facial scarring as a result of severe acne,Botox - Will It Help Deep Facial Scarring? Articles I'm sure you know the pain of being unhappy with your own visage. Every time you look into your mirror, you're reminded of that pain. You've lived with it for so long, but now you're tired of it and just want help. Could it be that Botox is the answer you've been hoping for? We all know that wounding is the result when an open acne sore penetrates your facial skin. This produces huge scars, which are basically the end result of muscles trying to "pull the wound apart" as it attempts to heal. It temporarily weakens these muscles and allows the wound to heal more quickly without this pulling sensation. Not only are the muscles themselves a culprit in creating a scar, but also a loss of collagen in the skin can work against the healing process. Inflammation results, causing deep tissue damage. So if the body can indeed naturally relax the muscles to help reduce scar appearance, why isn't this enough? The collagen loss will need to be addressed. A qualified dermatologist can inject cosmetic fillers that are made of collagen, which can fill in the acne scar so that it seems to disappear. Unfortunately, the results of this process only last about 6 months. The Botox will wear off, and the cosmetic fillers will actually be removed by the skin as a part of the cleansing process. But certainly the necessity of having a procedure like this repeated twice a year isn't as bad as living every day with the scarring. - The Risks Let's talk a little about the risks involved. First, you must consider the cost. Cosmetic surgery is rarely covered by insurance. One treatment can cost between $150-$300. Plus, there are risks such as swelling, redness and possible resulting skin allergies. You may need to be out of work for a few days of recovery time as well. And you definitely want to be sure your specialist is using an approved Botox solution and not anything else. There are some cheaper illegal forms of it, which some unscrupulous doctors will use in order to make more profit. These have been found not to work, or worse, be so dangerous as to result in paralysis. Keep in mind that there are other treatments less invasive and less costly that you can try. There are creams with intensive doses of Vitamin A to speed up the healing process and chemical peels, to name a few. Dermabrasion, a sanding of the top skin layers to remove the scars, is another viable option. Whichever treatment you choose, just remember it's almost always temporary. If you feel the risks, the costs and the longevity are worth it, then pursue enhancement with Botox for your deep facial acne scarring. The choice is definitely yours to make. It has been proven that if applied correctly, it is effective and safe for usage over a long time period. What have you got to lose except embarrassment and pain?