Breast Augmentation - A Checklist to Prepare You
Breast augmentation preparation basics are pretty much the same for everyone. There are several tips to keep in mind regarding what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.
Are you seriously considering breast augmentation surgery? If so,

the first item on your list must be to discuss all your options with a reputable plastic surgeon. A lot of clinics offer free consultations. You and your surgeon will discuss several important things regarding implants. What type will be used, where the incision will be made, and if it should be put below or above your pectoral muscle will be decided. With his expert guidance, you'll be able to decide these issues comfortably in advance. There are several things that your doctor will ask you to do before the surgery. These items will ensure a successful outcome for you. 1. Have a lab do all necessary testing. 2. Have a complete medical evaluation performed. 3. He may ask you to begin to take a few medications or even stop taking some of the ones you already take. Sometimes, drugs interact negatively with each other during surgery. Drugs can also impede the recovery progress. Listen to your surgeon and do what he says. 4. A baseline mammogram before and after the breast augmentation will produce vital pictures of your present and your future. 5. Be prepared to quit or reduce smoking well before surgery. 6. To decrease bleeding issues, stop taking aspirin, herbal products, and anti-inflammatory medicines before surgery. 7. Find a friend to taxi you to and from your surgery. Find a very good friend who will stay with you for at least 24 hours afterward. 8. Find a sitter for your small children, freeze extra meals in advance, and take off a few days from work for recovery. 9. Have all prescriptions filled ahead of time and keep them close by. Check with your surgeon to see when you can safely resume sex, exercise, and driving a vehicle. 10. Pack your bag lightly on the day of surgery. Bring ID cards, insurance info, your medications, and any necessary paperwork with you. 11. Watch your diet before, during, and after breast augmentation. Eat healthy and avoid alcohol. 12. Don't drink or eat anything, even water, after midnight on the eve of your surgery. Even after brushing teeth, don't swallow ANY water. If taking medications, ask your surgeon how much water you can ingest and don't drink more than he says to. 13. Cleanliness is vital. Wash the breast area the night before or in the morning with a good antibacterial soap. After cleansing, don't put on an oil, cream, lotion, moisturizer, powder, makeup, or deodorant. 14. Nail polish is okay, but leave it off at least one nail on your hand and foot. The anesthetist will need a clear vision for monitoring your circulation. 15. On the day of surgery, be sure to wear something that fits loosely and opens in the front, in addition to comfortable, easy-to-remove shoes. Make sure that you do not feel rushed or pressured into getting your breast augmentation surgery by anyone, including your surgeon's office. Take your time, ask your questions, and plan ahead for the surgery and the recovery time.