Breast Augmentation and You - Getting Ready for the Operating Room
Getting ready to go into the operating room to have breast augmentation is a serious matter. Here we take a look at what you need to know and do, as well as not do.
Prior to receiving breast augmentation,

you need to do to prepare for the moment when you will be wheeled into the operating room. The surgeon who will be performing your operation will give you specific instructions regarding preparation for the surgery, as well as what you need to do following the procedure. You need to follow the guidelines you are given very carefully as they are for your health and safety. The guidelines will involve what you can and cannot eat and drink, as well as what medications and supplements to avoid, and guidelines geared at those who smoke.
If you are a smoker who plans to have a breast augmentation procedure then it is important that you give up your cigarette habit at least three weeks before your scheduled operation and that you do not start smoking again for at least three to four weeks following the procedure. Smoking can interfere with the blood's ability to clot and it can also mean that it will take you longer to heal.
Both before and after you undergo breast augmentation surgery you need to avoid overexposing your breasts to the sun. If you plan to have surgery during the winter months then this is likely to be less of concern. However, if you wish to have it during the summer months, then you need to stay away from flesh-baring fashions as you ready yourself to have cosmetic surgery performed on your chest. In fact as little exposure as possible to the sun's rays is strongly recommended. Too much sunlight before and afterwards can inhibit your body's ability to heal.
The same can be said for the foods you eat. Before you have implants and right after is not the time to decide to go on a stringent diet. Save the changes in your diet for another time. Wait until your body has recuperated from the trauma of surgery until you decide to make other changes to your health. Making strict modifications to your diet is not something you should be doing at the same time as you are about to undergo a major operation.
If you get sick before your operation date arrives, then you will need to postpone it. This is the case no matter what the health problem is that arises. If you come down with a head cold or a sore throat or any kind of infection, then reschedule your breast augmentation procedure right away.
Do not go it alone! If you wish to arrive at the clinic or the hospital by yourself then you can do that, but you are not permitted to leave alone. Find someone who can drive you home following the procedure and also someone who can remain with you for a couple of days as you begin the recuperation process.