Breast Augmentation: Be Prepared For Your Surgery
Breast augmentation has become an ordinary plastic surgery procedure today. It is the most popular type of plastic surgery in the U.S., and patients for this procedure are increasing in numbers. Read on to learn more.
Breast augmentation has become an ordinary plastic surgery procedure today. It is the most popular type of plastic surgery in the U.S.,
and patients for this procedure are increasing in numbers. However, no one should be in a rush to undergo this painful surgery. Despite its popularity, breast augmentation is not a straightforward procedure when it comes to preparing for the surgery, and recovering afterwards. There are many significant issues to consider prior to consenting to such a procedure.
Before the surgery, you consult with a plastic surgeon that specializes in breast augmentation. This type of plastic surgeon will help you determine if you are an appropriate candidate for augmentation. Additionally, a specialist in this area will be more knowledgeable of the risks and can produce better overall results because their experience lies within that area of plastic surgery. Make sure the doctor carefully explains each of various options available to you.
The doctor will also explain several things that you can do to prepare for the surgery. Two main things the doctor will recommend is a good diet and exercise regimen and smoking cessation, if you are a smoker. Smoking can cause complications with blood circulation and healing because smoking increases blood pressure. Also, avoid aspirin and other painkillers that act as blood thinners. Medications like these can prevent blood clotting and result in complications while in recovery. Having a healthy diet and exercise plan before going into surgery helps the body to heal quickly. This is because generally healthy patients tend to need less recovery time, regardless of the type of surgery.
The typical recovery time is short, usually lasting approximately one to two weeks. However, the doctor may recommend avoiding any strenuous activity for up to a month after the surgery. Additionally, many doctors will recommend a special surgical bra in the weeks following surgery; this special garment reduces pain and promotes corrective healing. Some side effects of the surgery are swelling and tenderness. It is important to give accurate reports of your discomfort. For example, do not disregard any pain, irregularity in heartbeat, or any breathlessness.
There are a few associated complications and risks that can happen as a result of the breast augmentation procedure. Some of these include bleeding, infections, persistent pain, blood clots, implant leakage or cardiac and pulmonary complications. However, these risks are greatly reduced with frequent consultations with the doctor both before and after surgery. Furthermore, a more experienced plastic surgeon will have the skill to prevent many of these complications and side effects. Although there are some potential complications, there is no research to support the claims of a link between breast implants systemic or autoimmune diseases.
Have faith in your doctor. Although it has become very simple and basic, breast augmentation is still a fragile surgery, so find information from your physician on postoperative care. Do not engage in heavy lifting and avoid any strenuous activity for the next couple of weeks. With careful and thoughtful recovery, you will soon enjoy your new image.