Breast Augmentation - Caring For Your Kids After Surgery
While getting ready for a breast augmentation can be exciting, there are practical things that need to be handled in advance. This includes caring for your children and making sure that surgery disrupts their lives as little as possible.
Mothers are often great candidates for breast augmentation. They often miss the bodies they had before pregnancy and the children came along. In many instances,

there are no exercises or diets that will be able to return the breasts to the way they looked before nursing. But while looking into this operation, many mothers worry about how to arrange for the care of their children while they are recovering. This is a great time for the family to work together to make this a possibility for Mom.
- Preparation Is Key
Every mother knows that waiting until the last minute on just about anything can be devastating. The kids don't always do well with last minute changes to the plan, and if they do not know what is going on, they may tend to be a little hard to handle. Make sure that everyone in the family knows the plan for the breast augmentation.
This is a personal decision that a woman makes, and she needs to decide how much she tells the kids. Younger children don't need the details, of course. They do at least need to understand that Mommy is going to be feeling a little "under the weather" for a while, and everyone will need to be a little more careful until she is feeling better. Older children will be able to understand that the breast augmentation will be painful and that they need to be as helpful as possible during this time.
- Arranging Childcare
There is no way that a mother will be able to take care of her children the day of the surgery. The day after the surgery will also require some rest, depending on the type of breast augmentation. Either way, be sure that there is someone there to take care of the kids. From getting them breakfast in the morning to getting them bathed and into bed at night, there is a good chance that a mom is not going to be able to handle all of this movement. Many mothers find that having someone stay with them during the day and letting their husband take over at night works well.
- Don't Forget The Details
Moms often don't realize just how much they do on a daily basis to keep the family going. Before the operation, a mom might want to make a list of how things go throughout the day. This way, they can plan a trip to the grocery store to make sure there are plenty of easy-to-make options for meals and snacks. The last thing she wants is to go to the grocery store with stitches and bandages. If there are bills to be paid or issues that need to be handled, get them taken care of in advance to ensure that the recovery time is as restful and peaceful as possible.