Breast Augmentation for a Return to Youth
Breast augmentation for the return of youthful breasts is definitely possible. As long as the natural tissue can support the implants that will create the lift, improved shape and slightly larger size, then any women who thought she left her best breasts years in her youth can have them back once again.
Once upon a time,

some women had breasts that they felt were coming out of their collarbones, they were so high and full and perky and bouncy. They were either one of two types of young women in this category: they were either proud of their chest and had the straightest of posture, or they didn't really think too much about them, only knowing that their clothes fit well and their whole body looked good.
Eventually age, weight and other body changes slowly began to take over, and their breasts lost their youthful exuberance. Nowadays the work of their push up, padded, decorative lingerie can't even make them feel good about the pendulums hanging from their chest. Therefore, they turned to the thorough education, artful skill and thoughtful reputation of a locally licensed and certified cosmetic specialist in breast augmentation surgery.
Plastic surgeons are not only familiar with all of the methods for implant placement, they can make recommendations based on the size, shape, scaring and malformation that the patient is dealing with, in order to achieve the best outcome. Returning the youthful appearance of a woman's breasts is relative to the means that her breasts became misshapen or droopy.
For example, if a woman has lost volume due to lactation during breast-feeding, a straightforward breast augmentation with the implant volume that compromised her ideal and safety is used. However, if she lost volume and shape during massive weight loss, she is likely to benefit from a lift as well. During a lift, some of the significantly drooping breast skin and tissue is removed and the areola re-envisioned, in order to bring about perkier breasts once the implant is placed. Age, time and gravity can often times gradually cause a woman's breasts to droop as well. As long as the weight is there, they will begin to sag as time goes on and the skin looses elasticity. Then again, her natural breast tissue may have experienced some kind of trauma such as in an accident, previous surgery or mastectomy. In these cases, the scar tissue has to be removed, and the remaining healthy tissue has to be supplemented or manipulated to facilitate the breast shape and volume that she aims to have returned to her.
When breast augmentation is used to return a youthful chest to a woman, higher volume isn't always the key. Most of the women who just want their attractive breasts returned to them - at least in appearance - only seek minimal implant size because they want to add to what they already have, versus having mostly implants in their mammary glands. They remember that their youthful breasts had ideal shape and movement; it was and should remain, to them, a part of the experience of having breasts they are proud of.