Breast Augmentation for Enhancement
Breast augmentation is usually more about looking better and enhancing one's body than it is about getting an incredibly huge bust or looking like you have had surgery.
It seems that much of the country misunderstands who is typically using the services of a plastic surgeon. When they think of surgical enhancement the misconception is that they are big,

unnatural, and artificial in their appearance. Many of us imagine strippers and Playboy models, and that stigma has persisted. The reason for this is that when breast augmentation is done well it is so natural looking that it is hard to even tell the work has been done. The majority of the people who are choosing to have these types of operations do not want the impossibly large cleavage of stereotypical enhancement. Instead they want some work done that improves their appearance and enhances their natural physique.
Generally, plastic surgeons are reporting that patients are looking to have a chest that better fills out their blouse or looks stunning in a bathing suit. For some women it is an issue of a loss of elasticity as a result of aging or occasionally from nursing babies. Some other ladies have had to lose their natural assets as a result of illness or surgery and are looking to reclaim their femininity. Yet another group of potential patients are seeking to correct an inborn asymmetry. For each of these subsets of women there is a solution in cosmetic surgery. The facts show that by far the numbers of people who want a monstrously busty chest are in the minority.
It may come as a surprise to many people but the vast majority of people having breast augmentation are mothers who have had one or more child and are looking to restore their bodies to a more youthful appearance. The toll of motherhood can be immense on the body. After they are done with nurturing their children, ladies crave a little something just for themselves. The time has passed for rearing others and now they want to feel pampered. They find that one of the best ways to do this is by enhancing their bust line. For these patients, it is not necessarily a matter of making things bigger, but rather just of making them fuller. They are simply striving to restore shape and volume that has been lost over the years. The same desire can be said of women who lost their own natural endowments as a result of cancer surgery. Here they are not looking for some obscene enhancement. Instead they want to achieve a look as similar to their natural body shape as they can. For them there is a desire for a return to normalcy and a completion of the healing process to help them feel whole again.
Breast augmentation is not about what many people presume it to be. Usually it has more to do with femininity and self-confidence. It is about wanting to look and feel better than one has in years. They seek the help of a plastic surgeon to help them enhance their body to look younger and fuller and give them the great curves they once had or that they always have wished for.