Breast Augmentation: Helping with Recovery
You know that breast augmentation is a pretty big decision. If you know that someone you care about is getting ready to go through this type of procedure you may be a key part of her recovery. If the body doesn't have a chance to rest and relax it isn't going to be able to heal as quickly as it should. Take the time to find out what you can do to assist her after the surgery!
You know that breast augmentation is a pretty big decision. If you know that someone you care about is getting ready to go through this type of procedure you may be a key part of her recovery. If the body doesn't have a chance to rest and relax it isn't going to be able to heal as quickly as it should. Take the time to find out what you can do to assist her after the surgery.
Limit Movement
There are so many things that you might take for granted that just need to be done when someone is recovering from breast augmentation. In the beginning it is important that movement is limited. Whatever you can do to prevent her from getting up is best. Of course she is going to have to get up for things like the bathroom and she may feel like eating a meal at the table. However,
if there are other things that she needs, do your best to be available.
Basic Needs
When recovering from breast augmentation it is so nice to know that someone is going to take care of all of the basics. If she has kids chances are that she isn't going to be feeling up to all of her mommy duties in the next few days.
Do your best to take care of the kiddos. They may need help with homework, assistance with meals, and even a little reassurance that mommy is going to be okay. To smaller children sometimes any type of doctor's visit can cause worry so just let them know it is all going to be okay.
If there are pets around they too will need to be taken care of. Just be sure that they have food and water and make sure that if possible they stay away from the patient if there is any chance that they aren't going to be gentle. While all these things may not seem like a big deal, they probably are to her. Remember that the more she can focus on herself while she recovers from breast augmentation the better.
Be Encouraging
Sometimes after going through a breast augmentation it can be frustrating to wait for the body to heal. Then, even when she feels all better, it takes time for the swelling to disappear and for her to be able to see the final results of the surgery. Do the best you can to say encouraging things during this time. Don't join in with the complaining or give her your opinion on whether or not she should have gone through with it. Just be a positive influence and remind her that it will all be better soon.
If you have a friend or family member going through any type of surgery, whether it be elective or medically necessary, there are so many ways for you to be helpful. If you don't live nearby and can't be a part of the recovery you can always send a card or make a phone call to check in and let her know that you are thinking about her. Remember that this is a big step in any woman's life.