Breast Augmentation - Incision and Implant Positioning
There are a variety of reasons why a woman may decide to get a breast augmentation surgery. It could be for enlargement, balance, or reconstruction after cancer surgery.
Having a breast augmentation is not all that unusual today. There are a few reasons why you might consider having this done. If you have recently had a baby and finished breast feeding then you might find that your breasts are smaller than they were before the baby. Some women have one side that is larger than the other,

and the surgery can even them out.
Another reason to have this done is if you have had one or both of your breasts removed with cancer. You might not realize that once you decide to have this surgery that there are still decisions to be made besides the size you want to be. You and your surgeon will need to decide where the incisions should be and where the implants should be positioned.
There are several locations that the incisions can be placed in breast augmentation surgery. There are an inframammary incisions, transaxillary, and periareoler incisions.
The inframammary incision will be placed under the breasts. The transaxillary incision is an endoscopic one that is put in the armpit, and the periareoler incision is on the edge of the nipple. Each of these areas for an incision likely has benefits, and your doctor will be able to guide you to what would be the best for your particular situation.
The position of the implant is another decision that you will need to make prior to your breast augmentation. Your two options for the position of your implant are either submuscular or subglandular. The submuscular implant is put under the muscle and the subglandular position goes on top of the muscle.
Your doctor will likely have an opinion as to which position is the best for you for various reasons. Some doctors might prefer a submuscular because they might believe it looks more natural, while another doctor might say the opposite. Some might say that it is more difficult to accomplish the implant surgery when it is put below the muscle.
Putting the implant on top of the muscle might make it easier to see that a person has implants especially if they are a thin individual. The subglandular type might also make it harder for imaging to be used which might make it more difficult to read a mammogram. You will want to discuss the options with your doctor because he or she will likely have various reasons for what they will tell you. You may want to do a little bit of your own research as well to see what other doctors might have to say.
After taking the time to talk to your doctor about what he or she would suggest for incisions and implant position, hopefully you will feel confident with the decision that you and your doctor make concerning the surgery.
It is important as you go into your breast augmentation surgery that you do not have unrealistic expectations but that you do have realistic ones because you are putting confidence in the expertise of the doctor you have chosen. If you do not feel confident in this, then perhaps you need to reconsider having the surgery or reconsider your choice of a doctor.