Breast Augmentation Incision Options
When thinking about your options in breast augmentation, don't forget to discuss your incision options as well with your surgeon. Different implants require different incisions.
Every year women are taking the initiative to change their bodies. Many improve their figure through diet and exercise. They join a gym,

maybe get a personal trainer and plan a strict diet plan that helps them transform and achieve the body they've always wanted. There are some things, however, that women can't change without considering cosmetic surgery. They may feel confident in their new figure but still have small breasts that make them feel self-conscious and unattractive.
Breast augmentation is a way to complete the process of transformation. There are many options in size, shape and texture though a variety of implant types. Each are designed to perfectly complement a every type of figure, chosen in partnership with a plastic surgeon to achieve the best results. There is, however, another consideration to keep in mind when working with a surgeon.
Incisions are another thing to think about when you're considering breast augmentation. There are a handful of options to discuss with your surgeon about where the incisions will be made. The implants will be placed through these entry points. Your options may be dependent on what kind of implant you choose.
In general, breast augmentation can be done with two types of implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants use smaller incisions because they are filled within the body to achieve the desired size. Silicone is somewhat larger because they are inserted at full size. You will have to consider these options when thinking about how comfortable you feel with scarring. If you choose silicone, your surgeon will choose a more discreet location to avoid obvious scarring.
There are four main types of incisions for breast augmentation surgery and they all depend one what you're looking for aesthetically. When you want considerably large breasts, silicone is recommended and the incisions are made under the breasts. For saline implants, there are periarolar incisions, ones made around the nipple. This gives the surgeon easy access to fill the implant to the desired volume. You also have options of entering the body through the armpit and even the navel for saline.
Lastly, there is one more option in breast augmentation that allows you to augment your breasts without implants, without scarring. Fat transfer augmentation uses injection technology that slowly implants your own fat cells into your chest for larger breasts. The entry marks will heal over time or leave the least obvious scarring.
With a new waistline and larger breasts, you're going to want to show off your new body in stunning dresses and attractive bikinis. Make sure that you choose the right implant complimented with the right incision. Discuss this in detail with your surgeon for the best results.