Breast Augmentation Issues That May Occur
This article talks about breast augmentation and the possible problems that may occur after it. It explains each issue and how to resolve it.
Breast augmentation is the medical procedure that is usually performed on women to improve the appearance of their bosoms. Basically,

the size and shape are improved through the use of silicone sacs filled with either silicone gel or a saline solution. Innovative developments are trying to eliminate the use of these sacs but the techniques still need to be studied some more. The operation may last for up to two hours, depending on its extent and recovery period can be for several months. The surgery entails making incisions in and around the chest area to enable the doctor to set the implants in the right places. Success is usually achieved and the woman recovers from the breast augmentation with satisfaction. There are times when a problem might occur and the patient will need to refer to the plastic surgeon for its resolution.
Common Problems
One of the most common problems that occur in patients who have this procedure is the occurrence of an infection. There are several reasons why this happens and these include, but are not limited to, the patient not following the prescribed medication, duration and dosage and exposure of the wounds to bacteria and germs. Before the time of the surgery, the surgeon will likely ask the patient to buy medicines and other materials that she can use during the recovery period. Along with the prescription is a list of recommendations regarding what to do in this duration. Not taking the medication in its right dosage and schedule can complicate the breast augmentation and result in problems. Exposure to germs and bacteria could happen due to the improper use and cleaning of the medical tools and apparatus. Improper cleaning and dressing of the incisions during recovery can also be the cause of an infection.
The uneven appearance of the bosoms can also occur mainly due to the improper placement of the implants or the improper healing of the procedure. This can be easily resolved by doing another operation or the injection of fats in the area to even out the appearance. A similar problem called double bubble occurs when the sac implanted in the woman's chest slips below the natural crease line and appears as a crescent shape just below it. The surgeon might do a correction or try to resolve it naturally through therapy. Bottoming out is also another issue that occurs when the sac shifts down and makes the nipples go up instead of staying on the side. Correctional operations can resolve this particular problem.
Capsular contracture is the hardening of the tissue in and around the woman's breasts. This creates a very unnatural appearance and may require the implants to be taken out. Some doctor's call this occurrence scarring and do not recommend that breast augmentation be done on this particular patient again.
These are just a few of the possible issues that may arise with breast augmentation. Despite these, many of the operations are successful and satisfying to the women. It is best to discuss the matter with the doctor thoroughly before undergoing the procedure.