Breast Augmentation, Pregnancy and Lactation
Many women wonder if breast augmentation will affect pregnancy and lactation. Here are some things to think about.
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical operation to enlarge the fullness and size of a woman’s breasts. It is quite popular with patients in the nineteen to thirty-five year old age range which also happens to be prime childbearing years. Many of these women wonder if it is a wise step to have this surgery done before they have children. If they plan to breastfeed their infants,

this causes them to have even more questions. Here are some things to think about.
- Before a pregnancy: If an individual is planning to have a baby within a year after the operation, some doctors recommend that she wait a bit. After a year, the body will be fully recovered and able to take on the task of getting pregnant. A patient should bear in mind, however, that her figure will change substantially while she’s carrying a developing fetus. Mammary glands and hormones will swing into action and cause the tissue to become enlarged. After an infant has been delivered and weaned, she may look shrunken again due to the stretching of the skin in the region.
- Breastfeeding: Lactation is a complex process that takes place within a nursing mom’s body. There is interplay of triggers, hormones and milk production. Some surgeons place the implant behind the chest wall in order to make nursing bosoms more capable of expanding with the milk production. If incisions are placed in the regions such as the navel, the armpit or beneath the fold, it will be best for suckling a baby. When the incisions are surrounding the nipple, this sometimes interferes with nerves and triggers needed to accomplish the letdown response. While some mothers are able to nurse their babies, others are not. This is one of the risks that a patient must take into consideration.
- After childbearing years: If possible, a woman who knows for sure she wants to have babies and breastfeed them might want to consider waiting to have surgery. After the years of delivering and suckling infants, there’s a good chance that the mommy will need a few nips and tucks no matter what she looked like before she gave birth. A mommy makeover consists of a series of procedures including tummy tuck, augmentation, mastopexy in order to lift saggy breasts and even a bit of liposuction. Many mothers decide to give themselves the gift of a makeover when that last child is weaned. She gave them all the gift of life and this is the time to receive a gift of a beautiful body.
When a woman wants to have a breast augmentation but is also determined to have several kids and be a La Leche League member and champion lactation provider, she might want to think about timing. Yes, it is possible to have all of these things if one times them correctly. A wise patient should make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon in order to discuss her unique situation. If an individual decides to wait a few years till her childbearing is completed, this would be the perfect time to save up so she has the cash to fund her mommy makeover