Breast Augmentation Preparation Time for You- What to Do
You need to prepare ahead of time for the recovery time that is come after you have breast augmentation. Here we provide some help for you in this area.
You have decided to have breast augmentation and you are happy with the choice you have made. All of the important decisions regarding the surgery have been made. You have chosen an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon; you have discussed the procedure thoroughly with the doctor and have had all of your questions answered. You have chosen the kind of material you want for your implants as well as the size that you want. Now you need to prepare yourself for the procedure. Your surgeon will give you an instruction checklist to help you prepare for the day when you have the augmentation operation.
Being prepared is so important. The more ways that you can prepare for your breast implant procedure the better. Let us look at what you can do to get ready for the big operation day.
If you are a smoker then quit,

period. If you absolutely cannot quit all together then you should give up smoking at least two to three weeks before the procedure. As well you should not smoke for at least a month following the surgery. Smoking will put you at a greater risk for complications because of the fact that nicotine reduces the flow of blood to the incision site.
Double check with the surgeon about the instructions for the prescriptions you will be given to take after the breast augmentation procedure. It is best to get the prescriptions filled before the surgery date so you will have them when you need them while you are recuperating. You do not want to have to go to the drugstore to have prescriptions filled immediately after the breast augmentation operation when you are feeling groggy and are in discomfort.
If you are taking any medications that thin your blood then you should stop taking them at least two weeks before the breast enlargement takes place. This includes any prescription drugs you may be taking such as anti-inflammatories, and any over-the-counter medications such as aspirin. It also includes any vitamin or mineral supplements such as vitamin E.
The type of bras you should be wearing following implants inserted into your bosom is important to the success of your recovery. Buy some cotton sports bras for your healing period that do not have underwire. For the first few weeks after the operation you are going to need to support your healing breasts but you are also going to want to feel as comfortable as possible.
If you have anything in your bathroom, kitchen or bedroom that it located on a high shelf then move it to a lower shelf. Following your procedure you are not supposed to be reaching above your head for anything on a high shelf. This could hinder your recovery. Place the items you expect to need such as bath products or food items at a level where reaching above your head is not required.
Your stomach may feel a little queasy the first couple of days after breast augmentation which is why you should purchase foods that are light and easy on your digestive system. Good options for this include apple sauce, jello, pudding, crackers and various types of soup. You should also buy foods that will keep your bowels regular such as foods that are high in fiber content. Keep prune juice on hand and maybe even a package of mild laxatives. For some people, pain medication can cause them to become constipated.