Breast Augmentation Recovery: Know What To Expect
Breast augmentation can be a successful procedure. Nevertheless, there is a recovery time that individuals need to know about prior to moving forward.
During breast augmentation,

surgeons perform a procedure to enhance or change the shape or size of the breasts. In doing so, the goal is often to improve the way a person looks and feels. This type of procedure can be an outstanding way to boost your self-esteem or to give yourself the confidence you need. The procedure can leave you with a number of needs afterwards. Many times, the patient will recover without any problems or long-term complications. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the recovery process.
What's Typical?
One of the first things to know about breast augmentation is that every person heals at his or her own rate. Many factors play a role in determining how soon you will feel ready to get back into your daily routine. For most people, the recovery period is usually 24 to 48 hours. You will then spend the next few days with reduced activity periods. You will likely continue to have pain and some soreness for several weeks after the procedure. Many people feel comfortable getting back into their normal routine by then, but they may take over-the-counter medications to ease discomfort. Swelling can last for some time as well. Most people see improvements over a period of four to six weeks. Incision lines can take that long to fade as well.
Your Doctor's Opinion:
Because your procedure is unique to you, your surgeon should lead the process of determining how recovery happens. The speed at which you recover will depend on the procedure performed as well as any complications along the way. Your doctor is likely to provide you with a list of steps to take to protect your health and to speed up recovery. Some of those will include the following for breast augmentation.
You will likely need to take pain medications after the procedure. These medications may be given right after the procedure and then as you need them.
Discuss the dressings and bandages your doctor will have you wear. These may be tight fitting for a period of time to help reduce swelling and to provide you with more stability.
You will need to ask about stitches and the removal process. In some cases, these can be removed within one to two weeks of the procedure if necessary.
You should ask your doctor about limitations on physical activities. Most people will be unable to lift for some time. Other restrictions may apply as well.
Breast augmentation can be a very successful procedure when performed properly. Speak with your doctor about your options and learn what to expect before you go under the knife.