Breast Augmentation Surgery Should Be Done For The Right Reasons
You will be asked by your surgeon why you want breast augmentation, and this will help determine whether you can get it done. Find out the poorest excuses for getting this surgery, and know not to go through with the procedure if you are going to do it for these reasons.
Many women obtain breast augmentation,
but it is not always for the right reasons. There are a few good excuses for getting plastic surgery, such as wanting to simply improve your look so that you feel more confident. Restoring your old looks, such as after a disfiguring car accident or breast cancer, can be other good reasons for getting breast enhancement. On the other hand, there are a few bad excuses to use when you want this type of procedure, and you should learn about them since most plastic surgeons will reject you as a candidate if you bring them up.
One of the worst excuses for anything is that your friends are doing it, so you feel pressured to, as well. Unfortunately, many women fall prey to this pressure since it is often considered the norm to get implants, especially in certain industries. For example, if you are an actress or swimsuit model, you might want to look perfect all the time due to the nature of the job, and your friends’ and coworkers’ pursuits of perfection may rub off on you. If you are not sure why you want breast augmentation, except that everyone you know seems to have had it done, stop and think about this excuse before spending the money. You may find that you really do not want this surgery at all.
Along these same lines, do not get breast enhancement just to get people to like you. It may seem that your friends will stop talking to you if you do not follow their lead and get surgery, but if this is the case, they were never good friends anyway. Spending thousands of dollars on a procedure is not the best way to make friends or even make a crush like you. This is especially true if they find out that you did the procedure for them, as this shows a lack of confidence. Instead, do it for yourself.
If anyone promises you fame or fortune just by virtue of getting implants, they are wrong since there are no guarantees with this surgery. Some people might notice you a bit more than before, and in some lines of work, you can even get ahead. However, it will not directly lead to your fame. For example, to be a famous actress, you typically have to be good at acting and also be in the right place at the right time. If you strive to be a model, you have to take direction well and be patient while on the set. Simply getting implants will not give you these qualities, but it may add to your look overall, of course. Therefore, this procedure may very well be beneficial to you, but it will not exactly make you a star overnight.
These are all reasons not to mention to your doctor at your breast augmentation consultation, so be sure to go over them and consider whether they describe your aspirations, or if you actually want the operation for good reason. If, for example, you just want to get a larger chest to look and feel better in your clothes, you should mention this to your doctor since it is considered a healthy reason.