Breast Augmentation: Tasteful Results
There is something to be said about a tasteful and well-done breast augmentation. Certainly, over-the-top breasts have their place, but there are ways to insure that yours look natural.
So you are thinking of getting implants? It is an exciting and well-deserved procedure that you have likely been dreaming about for years. Most women that want larger breasts never act on it. For one reason or another,

women decide that the procedure is not right for them. One of the main factors in avoiding breast augmentation is that women fear ending up looking like a cartoon.
There are some women that right away know they want implants that are much larger than their natural bust. Although there is nothing wrong with going from a B cup to a double E, the increase in size is definitely not for everyone. When you choose to make this big of a change, people will notice and know that you had the surgery. Some women want the enhancement just for their own appreciation. They fear advertising to the world that they got implants and ultimately avoid the procedure based on this fear.
If you are one of these women, the best thing you can do for yourself is research. Start reading about implants and learning all you can about products, procedures and surgeons. By learning about the process, you take out the fear factor somewhat. If you are informed about the way choosing implant sizes work, you will be less likely to be fearful that you are going to somehow end up with a Jessica Rabbit sized bust.
Finding a surgeon could help with your skepticism. A good plastic surgeon, known for quality breast augmentation, should be able to help you conquer your fears. Nowadays most surgeons have computer- imaging programs that can show you what you would look like with a certain bust size. They also have bras and body suits you can put on to feel what the implants will be like. All of these things work together to make sure you don't wind up with something too large.
In fact, make this a priority when choosing a surgeon. Talk through how they help a patient choose implant sizes. If what they tell you is reasonable, take that into account when deciding whether or not you would want to schedule your surgery with their clinic. When you aren't satisfied with their explanations, don't be afraid to schedule an appointment with a different surgeon to discuss the same thing.
Finally, keep in mind one interesting phenomenon. A large number of women, who decide to go with smaller implants out of fear of going too big, often go back for a second surgery to up-size. Think about this research when choosing your cup size and make sure that you are completely satisfied with it.
Considering breast augmentation surgery can be an exciting thing. If you have dreamed about having larger breasts for years, there is not a better time to make the jump to having implants. By educating yourself on the procedure and making careful decisions as to cup size, you can wind up with tasteful, natural looking results.