Breast Augmentation: Worth the Risk?
Millions of women everyday are considering breast augmentation but is such an endeavor really worth the cost? Aside from being costly, it involves many risks.
Millions of women everyday are considering breast augmentation but is such an endeavor really worth the cost? Aside from being costly,

it involves many other risks that most women do not bother thinking about until after the surgery. Side effects and risks may include such things as a loss of sensation around the breast area, inflammation, scarring, blood clots, and increased difficulty with breastfeeding. Breast augmentation may even interfere with mammograms! Worse still, women who undergo surgery may also face other appearance related issues, such as dissatisfaction with the finished surgery due to a shift in the breast implants. Of course even with the aforementioned risks, breast augmentation is not a completely unnecessary risk.
The operation is now safer then ever, though still being a fairly risky procedure. Modern implants, nowadays, are much more natural then previous generation of implants. It is also still the best way to increase breast size compared to other less risky alternatives such as enlargement pills and breast pumps. Unfortunately, breast augmentation is still a highly expensive investment and that's not even including the costs and time of finding a suitable doctor. You must also take into account the cost of painkillers, post-op bras, and other equipment to help speed up recovery time.
Indeed, the cost for implant surgery is now higher then ever, with the average cost of silicone and saline implants being well over three thousand dollars! Include the fees and costs involved in getting surgery, along with the costs of post-op rest, the total cost of breast augmentation may just as well be over five-thousand! Worse still are the costs that may pop up during or after the surgery due to medical complications. Aside from the life threatening risks, the costs involved in medical complications can almost double the already large price of just getting implants. Even if the procedure goes well, there is no guarantee the finished surgery may even be to the woman's liking since a shift in one of the implants may cause breast lopsidedness.
The surgery may have been flawless, but later on down the road complications may still arise! A shift in implants or a sudden case of capsular contracture may mean a return to the operating table, meaning higher costs still. Speaking of a second surgery, over half of the women who receive breast augmentation need to receive further surgery, be it for medical complications, the implant hardening, or even a change of heart!
Breast augmentation is a costly and risky procedure. Women looking for a quick fix rather then a lifetime investment should look elsewhere. For those who have thought it over and understand the costs involved, both money and health related, breast augmentation may be a worthwhile investment.