Breast implants: Questions For Your Surgeon
Breast implants can enhance your silhouette and help you fulfill a dream of having fuller breasts. If these are the reason behind your interest in the surgery, then implanting saline or silicone gels could be a good fit for your lifestyle. Read on to learn more.

you will want to find a surgeon you are comfortable discussing your desires with. Make sure that the surgeon you are interested in has the proper education and accreditation. At your first appointment, you will likely discuss things you’re your understanding of the procedure. You may also be asked to discuss your self-esteem, age and lifestyle.
Doctors want to make sure you have a realistic understanding of what augmentation surgery will provide. Breast implants can enhance your silhouette and help you fulfill a dream of having fuller breasts. If these are the reason behind your interest in the surgery, then implanting saline or silicone gels could be a good fit for your lifestyle. If you have a healthy understanding of the augmentation process, then you will realize that they can only enhance an already positive self-image.
Age will also be considered when discussing your surgery options. Surgeon’s recommend that patients be well into their twenties before receiving breast implants. If you receive the augmentation surgery before you have stopped developing you run the risk of complications or follow-up surgeries. Doctors also help patients understand that until they are fully finished with puberty, breasts will continue to grow in shape and fullness.
Doctors will also discuss age from the opposite spectrum. If you are too old or frail to undergo the surgery, doctors may be cautious or concerned about your desires. The procedure of augmenting the breasts with saline or silicone is relatively invasive and a surgeon needs to be sure that a patient will be able to recover from the surgery and the anesthetic. Discuss your desires with the surgeon and find out if your age is an issue.
Surgeons will ask you questions about the amount of physical activity you perform on a daily basis. They want to be sure that you are healthy and leading an active lifestyle. There are several reasons to discuss your lifestyle with the surgeon performing your augmentation procedure. The augmentation will cause fewer complications in healthy people. Eating a good diet, exercising regularly and seeking ways to improve your self-esteem and mental health are all things your doctor may want to discuss.
One of the best things you can do for yourself to make sure you are a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery is to educate yourself. Find out information on breast implants, what the procedure is like and what you need to do to prepare for the procedure. You will learn what to expect and will have a better understanding of the procedure in general. Seek out information from your doctor or national cosmetic surgery organizations. There are many resources available to you.
Breast implants can be a personal decision that changes your life, enhancing your self-image by providing a fuller cup size. However, there are certain things that you will need to discuss with your surgeon to determine whether you qualify for the procedure. Educate yourself before your first appointment.