After your breast lift procedure, you may be wondering how to go about the process of healing. Here are a few tips to help patients prepare and move smoothly through the recovery process.
Most every women desires a pair of well-shaped breasts that will help provide her with a more youthful appearance. Women who are dissatisfied with their current bust size may opt to undergo a breast lift procedure. This surgery is performed in order to make the chest area more perky,

resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing body contour. If you’re intent on going under the knife for this procedure, there are a few precautions you should take into consideration to make your recovery as smooth as possible.
The first step with any cosmetic procedure is finding a physician who is experienced in the particular procedure you are looking to have performed. Once you’ve found your surgeon, he or she will analyze the size and shape of your bust and provide you with suggestions regarding changes they will be able to make. Be sure to provide your surgeon with a thorough list of expectations to ensure you are both on the right page.
Post surgery, you will likely be asked to wear a compression garment, which will work to improve circulation, reduce area swelling and remove harmful fluids. Expect to wear this garment at least 3-4 weeks into your recovery in order to allow your wounds to properly heal.
-Avoid sleeping on your stomach or adding any unnecessary pressure to the chest area.
-Be careful when bathing as you will likely have sutures which require close observation.
-Take it easy. Try your best to avoid any vigorous activities for the first 2-3 weeks of your recovery. When in doubt, consult your surgeon, making certain not to push, pull or lift heavy objects. Wait for approval before heading back to the gym as well.
- It is natural to feel uncomfortable during your initial recovery. Expect a bit of pain and do your best to stay relaxed. Grab yourself a stack of movies and plant yourself on the couch for at least a few days. Bruising and swelling is a normal result of the healing process and will fade with time.
-Pay attention to any unusual changes and contact your physician in cases of excessive bleeding, discharge or swelling.
-Do not wear an under-wire bra until you are approved to do so by the performing surgeon.
Sutures will be removed within the first two days post recovery, though you should keep in mind that it make take months for you to realize a full recovery. Ask your breast lift surgeon for prescription creams to help diminish the signs of scars, and be sure to inform your surgeon if you are susceptible to irregular scarring in advance of your surgical date.
If you have any known issues with anesthesia, make sure to tell your surgeon during your initial consultation. Issues such as nausea can be treated with additional prescriptions.
Find out how long your recovery from your breast lift is expected to take, and inform your boss that you will be unavailable for the allotted amount of time. Planning a few months ahead can greatly reduce unnecessary stress and anxiety, providing you with the opportunity to properly recover and obtain the results you’ve been striving for.